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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
President Toomas Hendrik Ilves who is on an official visit to Macedonia* participated today in the elections for the local government councils in Estonia at the Estonian Honorary Consulate in Skopje, by voting electronically.

President Ilves, who introduced Internet voting to the journalists in Macedonia, stressed that small countries are the ones that have the flexibility to utilize e-governance, as the cooperation between Estonia and Macedonia* related to information technology proves.

Read more: Estonia:President Ilves cast his vote for Abja Rural Municipality Council by Internet from Macedonia

The Estonian eGovernment Academy experts are compiling a handbook for implementing eGovenrment in Haiti, writes EPL Online/LETA.

Member of the management of the eGovernment Academy Ivar Tallo stated that it is a mistake to think as if it would be too early for Haiti to deal with constructing its eGovernment in its current phase of development.

Read more: Estonia is developing the eGovernment in Haiti

The recently published report, “Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband in Estonia,” provides an overview of the trends and developments in the telecommunications, e-health and converging media markets in Estonia. According to the report, Estonia’s telecom market has benefited from strong economic growth and investment over the years. The proportion of the Estonian population who are Internet users exceeds 64 percent with the market moving from dial-up access to broadband. Estonia has the highest broadband penetration level of all Eastern European countries, at 25 percent.

Read more: Report Provides Overview of Developments in Estonian Telecommunications Market

Estland bewirbt sich als bisher einziges EU-Land um den Standort für die geplante IT-Agentur für die EU-Datenbanken, die Personendaten aus der ganzen Union zentral verwalten soll. Österreich ist als Standort für das Back-up der Daten für das künftige Schengen-Erfassungssystem (SIS-II) sowie der biometrischen Visa-Daten von Nicht-EU-Bürgern (VIS) vorgesehen.

Die von der EU-Kommission im Juni angekündigte Behörde soll künftig verschiedene Personendaten aus der ganzen Union zentral verwalten. Österreich sei zur Unterstützung der estnischen Standortbemühungen angesichts der "beeindruckenden Vorarbeit" des baltischen Landes in diesem Bereich bereit, sagte Außenminister Michael Spindelegger (ÖVP) laut seinem Sprecher am Montag bei einem Besuch in Tallinn.

Read more: Estland will zentrale EU-Datenbank beherbergen

The first part of the Estonian Foreign Ministry’s development aid project for introducing the Palestinian National Authority to Estonia’s experiences in developing e-government ended earlier this week. Within the framework of the first part of the project, an expert group from the Estonian e-Governance Academy spent last week in Palestine to get an overview of the how Palestine’s new e-government is developing and to establish future forms of co-operation.

Read more: Estonian project to develop E-government in Palestine

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