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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, was named as one of the Top Seven Intelligent Communities of 2009 by ICF (Intelligent Community Forum - at a ceremony on 21 January during PTC'09, the annual conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

The top seven, representing communities that have come to understand the importance of Broadband Economy, was chosen based on analysis of nominations by a team of independent academic experts.

Read more: The Capital of Estonia is Among the Top Seven Intelligent Communities of 2009

Although the work of medical institutions should’ve been transferred into E-health information system this year, most of the hospitals haven’t joined the system yet, Postimees reports.

E-health is an information system that joins digital health record, pictures and registration. Both, doctors and patients should be able to make many necessary things through the system and it would save time and money.

Read more: Estonian E-health information system is stuck

After pioneering online voting, the Baltic state of Estonia aims to be the first in the world to give voters the right to cast ballots using mobile telephones.

Parliament adopted a law Thursday allowing "m-voting" from 2011, six years after a landmark election in which Estonians were able to vote via the Internet.

Read more: E-voting pioneer Estonia plans mobile phone ballots

The parliament has backed up a law making Estonia the first country to allow voting via cellphone.

We know that Estonians were allowed to cast their votes using the internet in last year’s parliamentary elections wherein 3.5% people voted online.

Read more: Estonians to vote using cellphones in 2011

Ab 2011 kann auch mit dem Handy gewählt werden

Estland hat am Donnerstag ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das die Stimmabgabe bei der nächsten Parlamentswahl 2011 auch per SMS erlaubt. Bereits seit einigen Jahren ist in Estland die Stimmabgabe über das Internet möglich.

Das System für die Stimmabgabe sei vollkommen sicher, erklärte die zuständige Projektleiterin gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Per SMS abstimmen dürfen demnach nur Besitzer einer eigens zertifizierten SIM-Karte, die den Benutzer eines Telefons auch eindeutig indentifiziert.

Read more: Estland führt Wahlen per SMS ein

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