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Sunday, 30.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

IfG.Transfer carries out the development, planning and implementation of concrete eGovernment and other eService projects. Technical implementation is executed by competent technology partners. eServices which IfG.Transfer is available to implement include:

Citizen services:
Development and introduction of network-based citizen service solutions adapted to certain target groups in the form of physical one stop shops or virtual city halls (joined-up government).

Shared Service Center:
Development and introduction of shared service centers at local and central level.

Access infrastructure:
Provision of e-kiosk solutions, especially in rural areas; the introduction of mobile civil services using laptop solutions; the identification of fixed and/or wireless broadband solutions; the development of operating concepts for rural areas; and the selection of service providers.

Electronic record management and reengineering of workflows:
The analysis and redesign of processes on the basis of pre-built and service-oriented process modules.

The development of projects for telemedicine applications in rural areas, such as telediagnosis and health monitoring.

Telepresence learning:
Development and implementation of projects for the execution of teleteaching involving several different schools. This helps shorten or eliminate travel distances to schools, avoid cancelling classes and improve classroom didactics.

Process chains:
Improvement and optimization of the interfaces between businesses and public administration for registration, licensing and reporting procedures. This is accomplished through the analysis, development and implementation of electronic process chains, in particular with the goal of lowering administrative costs.

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