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Transforming Government since 2001

Analysis of the eGovernment activities of selected states
On behalf of an international eGovernment company, the eGovernment activities in the federal states of Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen and North Rhine-Westphalia were analyzed with regard to their stage of implementation and products in use. For the analysis the IfG.CC developed an evaluation framework which guarantees comparability.

Feasibility study "Digital Chamber of Industry and Commerce"
The objective of the feasibility study "Digital Chamber of Industry and Commerce", which was carried out on behalf of several different chambers of industry and commerce and their national association (DIHT), was to analyze possibilities to implement the digitalization of business processes in the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and to create a basis for the selection of processes. To produce a service catalog which is appropriate to eGovernment processes were investigated in different service areas of the Chamber of Industry and commerce. Their usage was measured and evaluated with regard to their suitability for electronic processing.

Euro Tax Online – Usability Analysis of Online Tax Services within the European Union: A User Perspective
On behalf of a European eGovernment company, the usability of online transaction systems in the area of taxes (income tax, company taxes, value added tax as well as social contributions) was analyzed in the states of the European Union.

Transfer of eGovernment – An Investigation Using the Example of Media@Komm-Transfer
This internal project was concerned with the question how the comprehensive and widespread penetration of eGovernment can be achieved. This was accomplished through an analysis of the activities within the initiative Media@Komm-Transfer initiative. The objective of this initiative, which was financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor from 2004 to 2006, was to support the transfer of innovative eGovernment solutions between local administrations.

Introduction of electronic workflow management systems in the public administration
This internal project was about how the introduction of workflow management systems in public administrations can be configured from an organizational perspective. To capture the complexity of the introduction process, an interdisciplinary approach was chosen which considered concepts from the engineering sciences, social sciences and in particular micro-political theories.

Expert Opinion on Broadband Use in Rural Areas
On behalf of a German county, the IfG.CC prepared a two-part expert opinion on the possibilities of the broadband usage in rural areas. While traditional fixed technologies typically result in high expenses for the provider due to the small number of inhabitants and users, new possibilities now exist through wireless technologies. In the first part of the opinion, different broad band technologies were evaluated with regard how these technologies are suitable for the use in rural areas. In the second part providers of suitable technologies were assessed and case studies conducted to identify operating models.

Portal Analysis of the Platform
IfG.CC extensively evaluated the internet platform of the d-NRW information office ( in this project. The evaluation contained an analysis of the content suitability, user-friendliness and users. On the basis of the evaluation, recommendations were made for changes and better adaptation to the target group.

Introduction of telepresence learning in schools in the state of Brandenburg
The goal of the project is to extend and to improve the teaching in schools in the state of Brandenburg through telepresence learning based upon video conference systems. The core of the project is a special form of telelearning, telepresence learning on the basis of broadband technologies. In telepresence learning, the teacher communicates at the same time (synchronously) and directly to the class or students using a video conference system.

Introduction of mobile citizen services in municipalities, cities and rural jurisdictions in the state of Brandenburg
The goal of the project is to implement a mobile citizen service first in the city of Potsdam and then to transfer these experiences in cooperation with the Brandenburg association of cities and municipalities to other (small) municipalities in the state of Brandenburg. Mobile citizen services make it possible to offer public services efficiently on site.

Project: Integrated Workflow Management in a German County
Duration: January-May 2006
Funding Organization: County in the State of Saxony

On behalf of a German county a concept was developed for the integrated workflow management for the service "Action plan for the building, extension, renewal and maintenance of roads". In future, using this concept, it should be possible to carry out these services down to the document and information level without media breaks.

Within the framework of the project, the introduction of an electronic workflow management system which electronically supports the management of documents and the entire work process was planned. This was seen as the only way to guarantee efficient and quality production as required by the county’s strategic plan. Currently, such processes remain predominantly paper based in many public administrations. In the future not only the internal process should be optimized, but also external organizations (e.g., telecommunication companies or power supplier) who are to be involved in the production of an action plan will be better integrated into the production process through electronic access rights, information rights and reading rights.

For the production of this concept, a new method was used which used reusable objects to describe the IT requirements of the administrative processes, achieving integration at a technical, semantic and organizational level.

Project: Efficient Administrative Structures as a Prerequisite for Successful Economic and Social Development in Rural Areas in Demographic Transition (A.S.A.P.)
Duration: January 2006-December 2007
Funding Organization: European Union, Interreg IIIB Neighbourhood Programme

The objective of this project was to create efficient administrative structures to improve economic and social development in rural areas against the background of demographic changes. The leading partner in this EU project was the County Ludwigslust. A total of 38 partners from seven countries in the Baltic Sea region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Russia and Sweden) were involved.

IfG.CC executed this project in cooperation with the Chair for Geo-Ecology of the University of Potsdam and was responsible for the field of eGovernment. Research were carried out in the following areas

  • Integration management (records management/Integrated workflow management)
  • Network management (inter-organizational/inter-local cooperation)
  • Access management
In each of these areas, new problem-solving approaches were developed and good practice experiences documented and exchanged which were especially attuned the problems of rural areas. A main focus in the project was e-health services, and case studies on the subject were conducted on-site in Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

Project: Scientific Consulting for the Hamburg Metropolitan Region
Duration: April 2006-December 2008
Funding Organization: eGovernment office, State of Hamburg

Within the scope of its eGovernment activities in the Hamburg metropolitan region, the government of Hamburg would like to provide certain citizen services, including car registration, regardless of organizational jurisdictions and state lines. Citizens should be able to access such services where it is most convenient for them, regardless of administrative borders.

The IfG.CC’s task is to critically and strategically monitor the implementation of the project and to scientifically support the project management. The strategic monitoring contains the analysis of results which have achieved up to now in order to be able to identify possible barriers early. The analysis includes organizational and technical aspects, but also "mental sensitivities".

Project: Scientific Monitoring of the Deutschland Online Car Registration Project
Duration: since January 2007
Funding Organization: eGovernment office, State of Hamburg

The goal of the project is the implementation of a technical, juridical and organizational solution for the online transaction of car registration without media breaks. The problem definition of the project is: How can car registration processes be designed for the future to make the best use of ICT?

Within the scope of this project, the IfG.CC has compiled several recommendations for the implementation and reorganization of electronic car registration. For example, a method was developed which makes it possible to reorganize structured processes. In addition, the IfG.CC has addressed scientific questions in the area of change management related to implementation issues in multi-level-systems. The IfG.CC also carried out judicial assessments in respect to car registration within the scope of the project.

  • Conducting a feasibility study on broadband in a rural county
  • Implementing citizens’ one stop shops in county administration
  • Orchestration and implementation of different (electronic) access options in rural areas, such as kiosk systems and mobile government services
  • Feasibility studies on the design and implementation of distance learning solutions in rural areas to keep small schools running efficiently.
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