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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Tallinn, Hauptstadt des baltischen Staates Estland, wird Sitz der neuen europäischen Agentur für große IT-Systeme. Die EU-Innenminister haben diesem Vorschlag der EU-Kommission auf ihrer seit gestern tagenden Sicherheitskonferenz in Luxemburg zugestimmt. Die seit Längerem geplante IT-Agentur für Freiheit, Sicherheit & Recht soll vor allem für das Schengen-Informationssystem II (SIS II) zuständig sein.

Die IT-Agentur für Freiheit, Sicherheit und Recht soll neuen Schwung in die Entwicklung von SIS II bringen. Die zentrale Datenbank von SIS II verbleibt im französischen Straßburg, mit einem Backup-System im österreichischen St. Johann. Der anvisierte Starttermin von SIS II wird aber voraussichtlich nicht mehr zu halten sein. Statt im ersten Quartal 2013 soll die Datenbank Anfang 2014 oder 2015 in den Wirkbetrieb gehen, wurde nun bekannt.

Read more: EE: Tallinn wird Hauptquartier der europäischen Agentur für große IT-Systeme

While it may not often be held up as an example of pioneering technology usage, Estonia has recently provided a prime indication of the power and value of broadband.

The country has implemented an eHealth network at a cost of about €7.50 (£6.70) per citizen.

For its money, Estonia created an electronic health records database that is freely accessible by patients over their home broadband connections.

Almost half (47 per cent) of citizens have already visited the site - one of 3,000 services delivered by electronic means in the country.

Read more: Estonian health network highlights value of broadband

For € 10 million, Estonia implemented a national electronic health record (EHR) in 2009 at a cost equivalent to € 7.50 per citizen. Speaking at eHealth Week 2011 on 11 May 2011 in his capacity as EHR project manager and CEO of the Estonian eHealth Foundation, Madis Tiik described the short path to a fully integrated EHR network currently used by 47 % of the country's residents.

The EHR is built on Estonia's X-Road network, Mr Tiik told the presentation audience. X-Road is a secure gateway service architecture that hosts 3 000 eServices available to Estonian citizens. In January 2010, the eHealth Foundation launched a companion health insurance system for claims, reimbursement and prescription management.

Read more: Estonian EHR system used by 47 % of citizens and 95 % of doctors

Estonian Post reports that the number of users of its e-Invoicing Centre platform is increasing steadily, and after over two years of operation, the service is being used by hundreds of businesses and public sector agencies.

"Success of e-invoicing is speed and simplicity, in terms of both the transition to the new system and its use," said Head of Estonian Post Information Logistics Division Toomas Türk. "Mail and logistics related e-services development will surely be more interesting in coming years; new opportunities help companies to focus more on their core business."

E-invoicing electronic processing solutions, as well as receiving and digitalization of invoices presented in the old format are now used in dozens of state agencies - affiliated to the e-invoicing project of the Ministry of Finance. E-Invoicing Centre customers, in addition to private companies, also include local authorities such as Kuressaare, Saue and Jõgeva and several rural municipality governments. Larger enterprises include Electric Railways, Veho Estonia, and starting from 1st of July, Estonian energy company Eesti Energia.

Read more: EE: User-Driven Estonian E-Invoicing Service Continues To Show Growth

Large populations, geographic disparities and legacy infrastructure problems can derail national health IT projects. Estonia suffers from none of these factors.

The Baltic state implemented a national EHR in 2009 at a cost equivalent to €7.50 (roughly $10 USD) per citizen.

Madis Tiik, CEO of the Estonian E-Health Foundation, who managed the project, described the short path to a fully integrated EHR network currently used by 47 pecent of the country's residents.

Read more: Estonia launches $10 EHR

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