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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will support two projects implemented by e-Government Academy for improving the e-capacity of Palestinian Authority, writes Postimees Online.

The e-Government Academy will help develop the cross-use of electronic databases in Palestine in order to better administer and provide public services. Estonia’s experiences in organising e-training sessions and in using the information technology in administering the education sector will also be shared with Palestine.

Read more: Estonia to help Palestine in developing e-services

Director of the media office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kadri-Mai Kaunissaare noted that very often foreign journalists are most interested in Estonia’s e-Government and e-services, writes LETA/National Broadcasting.

“This is something the news on which has spread and everyone wants to see the developments with their own eyes – what does m-parking mean? What do Estonians do with ID cards? What do e-elections look like?” explained Kaunissaare.

Read more: Foreign journalists’ focus in Estonia is mostly on e-Government

Foreign Minister of Estonia Urmas Paet discussed the development of political, economic, science and information technology co-operation between Estonia and South Korea with South Korean Foreign and Trade Minister Yu Myung-hwan during his visit to the Republic of Korea, reported BC the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia.

During their meeting, the foreign minister of the Republic of Korea was first and foremost interested in the utilisation of information technology in the Estonian public sector. Foreign Minister Urmas Paet stated that there is a great deal of untapped potential in economic and trade relations between Estonia and South Korea.

Read more: Foreign ministers of Estonia and South Korea discussed co-operation

Prime Minister Andrus Ansip met today with Japan''''s head of government, Yukio Hatoyama. Both stressed the very good terms the two countries were on as well as the intention to intensify economic collaboration, particularly in the IT and communications technology sectors. The meeting focused mainly on opportunities for collaboration related to public sector e-services.

Prime Minister Ansip elaborated on both e-voting, e-Tax Board and other more common Internet-based services in Estonia - amongst other things, the popularity of online banking. His Japanese counterpart noted that there was great interest in applications for e-government as well as for the Estonian ID card.

Read more: Prime Ministers of Estonia and Japan Hope for Productive Collaboration, above all, in the IT Sector

Plans to allow Estonians to set up appointments and for doctors to prescribe medicines online have slowed because of problems connecting old and new systems, the minister of social affairs has announced.

The €2.2m EU-funded project, which has been developed by the Estonian e-Health Foundation, aims to provide patients with a cross-country e-registration system that lists all the doctors and health services in Estonia.

Read more: Estonian e-health project slows

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