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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Walk down the cobblestone streets with medieval houses that look straight out of storybooks, and it's hard to believe that Tallinn - a city that has been sacked, pillaged and bombed numerous times over the centuries - still retains much of its past. But while this capital city of Estonia - a north-European country along the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea - remains a living museum, it's also a high-tech hotbed. For instance, the technologies for Skype and Baidu were developed in this country. Recently with the latest group of Wi-Fi access points installed, this 45,000-square-kilometer former Soviet nation is now also completely covered with wireless Internet access, setting an example for more-developed and richer states that have been trying to achieve this feat for years.

Read more: Wireless Internet Connects 1.4 Million Citizens in Estonia

Die NATO richtet in der estnischen Hauptstadt Tallinn ein Forschungszentrum für Cyber-Angriffe ein. Vertreter des nördlichsten Landes im Baltikum, das seit 1999 dem westlichen Militärbündnis angehört, sowie weiterer sechs NATO-Länder unterzeichneten am heutigen Mittwoch in Brüssel ein entsprechendes Abkommen. Im "Center of Excellence Cyber Defense" von Tallinn sollen sich künftig gut zwei Dutzend Spezialisten der Erforschung und dem Training elektronischer Kriegsführung widmen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Abwehr von Angriffen auf Computernetze von NATO-Mitgliedern. Bei den Staaten, die sich zur Mitarbeit in dem Zentrum in Tallinn verpflichten, handelt es sich um Deutschland, Italien, Spanien, die Slowakei, Litauen und Lettland.

Read more: Estland erhält NATO-Excellence-Center für Cyber Defense

Estonian official warns that cyberwarfare is a real threat

Only a few decades after the Wright brothers’ first flight in 1903, airspace had joined land and sea as a theater in which nations battle for military supremacy. Now the battleground has moved to cyberspace.

“We are in a world today where, in addition to the classical dimensions of land, sea and air, we have a virtual dimension called cyberspace,” Estonia’s defense minister recently told a Washington audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Read more: Estonia: The fourth dimension

A Tallinn hospital has become the first in Estonia to introduce an ePatient portal, allowing patients to view their medical records online.

The iPatsient (ePatient) portal, began its pilot phase in November 2007 at East Tallinn Central Hospital and is now fully online for all patients to log onto.

To date, nearly 1,000 people have used the portal, and if it proves successful it will be rolled across Estonia as part of its e-health strategy.

Read more: First patient portal launched in Estonia

The Estonian government shattered its previous record for dealing with business in an expeditious manner on Dec. 6 by taking just two minutes to work through a 20-point agenda.

The Reform Party, Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (IRL) and the Social Democratic Party rocketed through their order of business, smashing their record from earlier this year when they amanged to dispatch 14 items in four minutes.

Read more: Estonia's record-breaking government

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