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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Estonian government shattered its previous record for dealing with business in an expeditious manner on Dec. 6 by taking just two minutes to work through a 20-point agenda.

The Reform Party, Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (IRL) and the Social Democratic Party rocketed through their order of business, smashing their record from earlier this year when they amanged to dispatch 14 items in four minutes.

Explaining how the government managed to achieve such lightning-quick decisions, prime minister Andrus Ansip explained that government sessions were not the right place for political discussions, as the government agreed on substantial issues at Cabinet meetings that often lasted several hours.

He added that the work of the government had become smoother also thanks to the e-governance system that was being used already for the seventh year and had since been significantly updated. The system means that ministers away fromTallinn when a government session is due can still participate by means of cyber-conferencing.


Quelle/Source: The Baltic Times, 06.12.2007

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