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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
President Toomas Hendrik Ilves who is on an official visit to Macedonia* participated today in the elections for the local government councils in Estonia at the Estonian Honorary Consulate in Skopje, by voting electronically.

President Ilves, who introduced Internet voting to the journalists in Macedonia, stressed that small countries are the ones that have the flexibility to utilize e-governance, as the cooperation between Estonia and Macedonia* related to information technology proves.

“E-governance, in its broadest sense, provides the opportunity to simplify the life of the citizens and to make their communications with the government faster and more convenient,” President Ilves said.

“However, Internet voting is the best way for people who are far from home to securely cast their vote,” the Estonian Head of State said. “As you can see, there is no difference whether I am in Abja, Tallinn, or thousands of miles away when I cast my vote for the Abja Council, and thereby fulfil my civil duty and participate in the governance of my home municipality.”

The advance polling for the Estonian local government elections ends today at 8 pm at polling places and by Internet; thereafter, the voters can vote on Sunday, October 18 at local polling places.

President Ilves called on everyone to participate in the elections, saying “Every vote counts.”

“The dignity and exacting nature of the voters helps to improve the governance of the cities and rural municipalities,” the Estonian Head of State said. “Not participating in the elections is not a dignified sign of protest, but just negligence. This is unfair to your home municipality or hometown.”

* Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


Quelle/Source: Eesti elu, 14.10.2009

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