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Friday, 3.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Estonia has finished, this week, the first part of its development aid project, aimed at introducing to the Palestinian Autonomy Estonia’s experiences in developing e-Government.

In the framework of the first phase of the project, Estonian e-Government Academy’s expert group stayed in Palestine last week in order to get an overview of the stage in which Palestine is implementing the e-Government projects and to specify forms for future co-operation.

Estonian Minister of foreign affairs Urmas Paet stated that the project has been created, taking into account Palestine’s interest in learning about Estonia’s experiences in this field.

“The use of modern information and communication technologies will help creating e-services that are of utmost importance for citizens and therefore implementing good and transparent governance practice,” emphasized the Minister. He added that the first co-operation project will create a good basis and opportunities for further co-operation projects in modernizing the public sector in Palestine.

In the framework of the second phase of the project, 20 leading officials of the Palestinian Authority will arrive to Estonia in September for a one-week training session.


Quelle/Source: WAFA - Palestine News Agency, 15.07.2009

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