Heute 30

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Insgesamt 39524172

Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BN: Brunei

  • Brunei: Funds Allocated For 15 e-Education Projects

    The development of ICT in education has been carefully planned and implemented over the last 25 years

    In the 8th National Development Plan, the Ministry of Education had allocated more than $145 million to carry out 29 e-education projects for the development of ICT infrastructure, hardware, software and multimedia development and human resource.

    In the current National Development Plan 2007-2012, the Ministry of Education has been allocated additional funds to carry out another 15 e-education projects. This was highlighted yesterday by Hj Mohd Daud bin Hj Mahmud, Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) at the Ministry of Education, at the national workshop on New Information Technologies and Tools in Scientific Education.

  • Brunei: Geospatial data to be standardised

    Recognising that compliance with international industry standards is necessary to realise the vision of an e-government in Brunei Darussalam, several government ministries and departments have taken the initiative to establish standardised platforms in handling and processing geospatial data.

    Such mainstream IT platforms would also provide more efficient and cost-saving data storage, analysis and retrieval systems.

  • Brunei: Government Bodies Urged To Ensure e-Govt System Works

    Although e-governing system has set the latest trend among government organisations across the globe, experts have advised government bodies to ensure every procedure go smoothly subject to successful applications of many prerequisites.

    Radio Television Brunei (RTB) takes a look at the application of E-government.

  • Brunei: Government enables payments of electricity and water bills through several banks

    Government has made arrangements to enable payments of electricity and water bills be made through several banks

    In the continuing effort to provide better quality and convenient delivery of services to the public, the Government has made arrangements to enable payments of electricity and water bills be made through several banks in the country including the Baiduri and Standard Chartered Bank. This is in line with the objective of the 2009 to 2014 e-government strategic plan.

  • Brunei: Government lacking ICT-trained manpower

    The government of His Majesty is conducting manpower planning exercise to ensure an adequate supply of ICT-trained manpower to develop and maintain the e-Government initiatives. There is insufficient IT human resource capability to support successful delivery of the programme. For example, there are less than 300 IT staff working with the government while another 500 IT positions have yet to be filled. The in-country talent pipeline for IT professionals is insufficient to meet the forecast demand for the next five years.
  • Brunei: Government Staff Complete ICT Course

    Forty-two staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Defence, the Defence information Technology Unit (MTH) and the Defence Ministry Office and Directorate of Strategic Planning received their certificates Saturday afternoon upon completion of their training at de' Heritage IT Training Scbool.

    The guest of honour, Awang Jaini bin Haji Abdullah, the Director at the Department of information and Communication Technology at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, handed over the certificates to course participants at a ceremony held at the Riverview Hotel in Gadong.

  • Brunei: Government Wants 'Real Results' From E-Govt Citizen Survey

    The Bruneian government is seeking genuine and conclusive results from the e-Government Citizen Survey, which is currently being carried out in the country's four districts, according to an official from BAG Networks, the consultant firm appointed to carry out the survey.

    Speaking to The Brunei Times yesterday when the e-government survey was carried out for the BruneiMuara District at The Mall in Gadong, BAG Networks Marketing Analyst Rachel Salleh spoke of the necessity of getting constructive feedback.

  • Brunei: Government, Private Sectors Mull Best Way For e-Business

    A two-way discussion was held recently between the private and government sectors on how to do it best with e-Business technology.

    During the dialogue, the private sector sought opportunities within the government sector to show their capabilities in e-project initiatives while the government sector discussed ways in which they could lend a helping hand.

  • Brunei: Govt Clerks Study TAFIS’ PO Processing System

    Fifteen Department Purchase Order (DPO) clerks from the government are undergoing a 3-day course on Purchase Order Processing (PO Processing) according to the Treasury Accounting and Financial Information Systems (TAFIS), which began at the Training Room of the Ministry of Finance, Jalan Kebangsaan yesterday.

    The course is being conducted by BAG Networks Sdn Bhd.

  • Brunei: Govt hires IT firm to help with e-community drive

    The Department of Community Development, under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS), has hired IT firm Oakchem Sdn Bhd to help the department streamline its business process as part of its e-community drive.

    A The department yesterday signed a contract with Oakchem for the firm to review the department’s business processes and streamline application procedures for a more efficient and transparent processing system. “Phase One of the Department’s e-community initiative … (will) streamline the department’s business process … making the work of the officers more effective and efficient, with a holistic view on the information pertaining to customers,” a statement said.


  • Brunei: Govt Websites Must Follow Guidelines

    All government websites bearing the gov.bn domain shall comply with the Government Web Interface Standards and Guidelines (WISG) to provide the public with a consistent look and feel, in addition to timely updates of information when browsing through all government websites.

    Senior Manager of the E-Government Technical Authority Body (EGTAB), Zailani Hj Abdul Malik said that websites complying with WISG will help to enhance the public's recognition of the Sultanate's government websites, in addition to increasing general confidence in government information and e-services.

  • Brunei: High-Tech Data Home For Crime Fighters

    The Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) will soon be able to integrate all data in a single database enabling law enforcers to have every bit of information on cases around the country at their fingertips.

    RBPF and ITIS Wescot Technology Sdn Bhd, the company assigned to undertake the task, yesterday signed the contract to develop the Advanced Records Management System for the police force.

    Signing of behalf of RBPF was SAC Hj Majid Hj Damit, director of administration and finance. Managing director Louis Lim signed on behalf of ITIS Wescot Technology.

  • Brunei: Holistic Factors Help In E-Govt Success

    In order for any country to move towards the implementation of an e-government, several key issues needs to be properly addressed. These issues include ensuring the proper infrastructure is in place to allow the population, the people and the government, to be able to utilise the new system efficiently in their daily use.

    This was highlighted in the presentation on "E-government and Role of the government and private sector in e-commerce development" conducted yesterday by Dr Afzaal Seyal, a senior lecturer at Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB).

  • Brunei: Home Affairs Ministry to be IT-savvy

    Improved service through e-government implementation is envisioned in the near future where services and management of jurisdictions under the Ministry of Home Affairs would be fully conducted through an online system.

    The ambitious plan was unveiled during the contract signing ceremony for the e-government project 'Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Training and Maintenance of IT Facilities for Ministry of Home Affairs' between the ministry and the ZNet Technologies company.

  • Brunei: Home Affairs To Upgrade E-Infrastructure

    The Home Affairs Ministry is now on a track to install a Wide-Area Network (WAN) and become a digitally-connected entity under the e-Government framework once the work to upgrade and install Local Area Network (LAN) in all respective locations is completed.

    The scope of work to install LAN networks includes all departments under the ministry, including district-level branches throughout the country.

    It was estimated that about 2,000 networks points will be installed in 86 identified localities.

  • Brunei: Hospital Info Contract To Enhance E-Govt Plan

    Brunei Darussalam is moving a step closer in realising its e-Government goal following a recent announcement in the Business Times Malaysia that Nova MSC Bhd, a Malaysian software company, had secured a hospital information systems contract in Brunei.

    An approximate $950 million has been allocated by the government for the e-Government initiative under the 8th National Development Plan for ministries and government departments.

  • Brunei: Housing Applications Made Easier Online

    Citizens and residents of Brunei Darussalam can now have a faster and easier way to apply for housing through the Ministry of Development's online housing application on its e-Sikap web site that was officially launched yesterday by the Deputy Minister of Development.

    By simply typing in www.perumahan.gov.bn an application form is presented whereby all the applicant has to do is fill in the necessary information and submit the application back to the Housing Development Department.

  • Brunei: Housing Development Dept Inks Deal With Dinamik Girt On E-Govt Project

    A contract signing ceremony on housing development department network infrastructure between the Housing Development Department and Dinamik Giat Company was held yesterday at the department's building at the old airport.

    Such e-government project is to build an infrastructure network that will link the Housing Development Department headquarters to its branches through Eg bandwidth.

    This would facilitate services through e-government infrastructure such as e-mail, housing development information system (e-SIK AP), Promise, Government Employee Management System and many others.

  • Brunei: Human Trafficking Watch In $4.6m Immigration Revamp

    Brunei is to go hi-tech in security and in its fight against human trafficking.

    The Immigration and National Registration Department yesterday signed a B$ 4.6 million contract with ITPSS Sdn Bhd to revamp the department's system for a speedy public service d and to heighten security against human trafficking across all checkpoints and control posts in Brunei.

  • Brunei: ICT Solutions For E-Govt

    Pehin Hamzah p Pahlawan Dato Awang Haji Abdullah bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Dakar, the Minister of Development, spoke at a seminar on the triple `R' of electronic forms yesterday morning.

    "Brunei Darussalam has successfully harnessed the power of ICT to the operational and technical advantage. The introduction of ICT has provided an opportunity for Brunei Darussalam to develop a variety of government strategies and initiatives as well as the ability to promote efficiency in the workforce through better and faster delivery of services.

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