Heute 2543

Gestern 1845

Insgesamt 39846178

Donnerstag, 13.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Individual coaching for senior management and politicians

The G-Academy offers customized coaching for senior management and politicians to familiarize them with the potentials and pitfalls associated with eGovernment in general and with ICT’s potential to address specific administrative challenges. Rather than emphasizing technical aspects of ICT, we concentrate on its organizational and policy implications which are relevant and useful for decision-makers. The thematic focus of the coaching, which may be very broad or highly specialized, is determined in close consultation with the client. Our coaching sessions are provided by top eGovernment experts, are tailored to meet the needs of the client, and are unbiased, based upon our scientific and practical expertise. They are available in a one-on-one format or for small groups and are flexible in duration.

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