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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Although e-governing system has set the latest trend among government organisations across the globe, experts have advised government bodies to ensure every procedure go smoothly subject to successful applications of many prerequisites.

Radio Television Brunei (RTB) takes a look at the application of E-government. "E-government" is a word that is frequently repeated in every where these days. Countries across the world started applying to this latest tool of work one after the other for fear of lagging behind.

To some, it is a step of advantage in facing the globalization. But, to many others it is not only modernisation but more of its benefit to increase the efficiency of the work itself.

What exactly E-government means in a layman term? What could it do to help a nation's development? How does it apply to Brunei Darussalam? RTB news had an exclusive interview with the Managing Director of Bearing Point International Consultancy Group of the United States, one of the keynote speakers of the recent International Convention On Human Resource Development.

Is E -government applicable to every society? Or does it require certain level of maturity of the people? In which ways will E-government help a nation's development?

Mr. Adhair, Managing Director of Bearing Point International Consultancy Group of the United States, said the technology has proven its usefulness in many societies in many context.

Based on his long-time experience working with Qatar government in the Middle East, Mr. Adhair says Brunei will also get more benefits from E-government than many other countries.

Mr. Adhair also stressed that the key to the success in adopting such a technology is the continuous support from the senior leadership of the government as well as the enthusiasm of the people.

As for Brunei, a well-centralised government ruling and a caring, supportive ruler, as well as highly educated young generation have already prepared the road to such a success.

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 04.04.2005

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