Heute 29

Gestern 946

Insgesamt 39524171

Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BN: Brunei

  • Brunei: e-Government programme at the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports

    The government has spent millions of dollars to create the e-Government programme at the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports. As a result, the ministry has entirely utilised the programme. The matter was highlighted by the Ministry's Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports' Quality Control Circle Convention, this morning.

    Dato Paduka Awang Haji Mohammad Hamid bin Haji Mohammad Jaafar urged all officers and employees of the ministry and its departments to carry out more on-line activities via the e-Government programme. He went on to say that all information in the Ministry's website should be up-dated by in-putting the latest information from time to time. Aside from that, the Ministry and its departments are urged to improve on the facilities provided on the website to be more 'user-friendly'. All officers and employees of the Ministry are also urged to fully utilise the ICT facilities provided especially in the provision of on-line services and communications with agencies outside and within the Ministry and its departments as well as the public.

  • Brunei: e-Government Roadshow at Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources

    The e-Government National Centre (EGNC) yesterday began the first series of e-Government roadshows at ministries.

    The first e-Government roadshow was held at Dewan Setia Pahlawan, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR). The roadshow was one of the promotional activities conducted by EGNC to create awareness on the e-Government Strategic Plan 2009-2014, the role of ministries and the role of EGNC in implementing the e-Government Initiatives, according to a press release.

  • Brunei: E-Government Sets Road To Diversification Says Canadian Professor

    Brunei's initiative to develop its e-government has attracted the attention of Professor Jim Tam from a leading Canadian University, who said he is confident the e-government project will set the Sultanate on the road to economic diversification.

    Professor Tam of Ryerson University, who is also a former ICT manager, however said, "Achieving e-government success requires active partnerships between government, citizens and enterprises".

  • Brunei: e-Government Survey

    The response received in the e-Government Citizen Survey shows an average of 64 percent of the Brunei Darussalam citizens spend more than 5 hours 'online' a week. Aside from that, 85 percent of the respondents can access the internet from home, mobile phones and workplace. The survey is an initiative of the Prime Minister's Office through the e-Government National Centre, to involve the public in carrying out the e-government programme in the country.

    The ceremony to present prizes to Lucky Draw winners and certificate of appreciation in conjunction with the e-Government Survey, took place this morning. The prizes and certificates were presented by the Acting Director of the e-Government National Centre, Hajah Mariah binti Haji Mohamad Taha. A total of 1 thousand 456 participants were eligible for the lucky draw.

  • Brunei: e-Government Survey

    Information that have been obtained from the e-Government Citizen Survey can assist government agencies in making their Info Communication Technology, ICT Plan respectively. The survey, which was carried out in December last year, generally has found that among the five main selective services that need attention are education, employment and professional training, business licensing, housing and utility as well as health.

  • Brunei: E-Government Survey Begins

    The e-government survey to seek public feedbacks to identify which government sevices need to be made available online started in Tutong and Temburong Districts yesterday.

    The survey is organised by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and InfoCom Federation Brunei and in collaboration with the E-Government National Centre and BAG Networks. BAG Network representatives are expecting between 2,000 and 3,000 respondents from the survey.

  • Brunei: E-Government Survey Roadshow

    In order to obtain public perceptions on the government services that must be given priority for implementation online through the e-government projects, the e-Government National Centre is currently carrying out e-government surveys in all the country's four districts. The survey is open to all citizens and residents in the country. This morning, a roadshow on the survey was held at the Mail Processing Centre in Berakas and the Gadong Mall, while in the afternoon, it was held at the Land Transport Derpartment.

    According to the Senior Special Duties Officer at the Prime Minister's Office, Dayang Hajah Mariah binti Haji Mohamad Taha, who is also the Acting Director of the e-Government National Centre, the survey is consistent with the launching of the e-government Strategic Plan launched in May this year. The e-Government Strategic Plan focuses on more effective delivery of services to the public.

  • Brunei: e-Government To Enhance Transparency

    "Today's global workforce enjoys unprecedented access to information, tools that allow intra-organisational collaboration and sharing. We should expect new and innovative uses for sharing information, reducing transaction cost and enhancing transparency in government process through one e-Government initiative."

    This was highlighted in a speech by the Minister of Communications, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Hj Awang Abu Bakar bin Hj Apong at the opening ceremony of the 2nd Annual E-Government Congress: "From Government Online to Service fransformation".

  • Brunei: e-Government Towards Modernising Brunei

    A day-long e-Government conference was held yesterday to meet the demands of modern government in Brunei held yesterday in Jerudong.

    Entitled "Enabling Government into 21st Century" the talk was intended to share the capability and implementation experiences on government and non-government in the region and worldwide.

  • Brunei: E-Government Vital For Efficient Public Service

    E-Government is an essential and vital tool, not only for seeking information and interaction between government entities but also a useful vehicle in increasing the efficiency of delivering services through fast communication and efficient administration.

    This was said by Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail Hj Duraman, Executive Director of the Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies (CSPS), during a course on Improving Public Services and Governance Systems via e-Government held at the Sheraton Hotel in the capital yesterday. "Living in the age of rapid technological change, we must be prepared to update ourselves not to get left behind, of course, the seminar is significant because we want to be part of this new system to improve public services," he said.

  • Brunei: E-Government-Ripe To Success

    E-Government as mention by HM in his titah, is a failure. There must be a lot of reason for this failure, unsuitable software implementation which not support our local requirement, some basic terminology have to be define base on our requirement, configuring the application tailoring to making the program changes system configuration to support our local requirement.

    As mention By Deputy Permanent Secretary IT, business process review for the software application tailoring for our E-government to suit with local requirement for each department involved in the E-government project should be given priority.

  • Brunei: E-Government: A Headache And A Hassle Says SMEs

    Some Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have questioned the effectiveness of government agencies online services as a number of business owners do not even know how to use a computer and applicants are still required to visit the related agency to make payments.

    An entrepreneur said she was frustrated when she tried to apply for a commercial import permit for plants with the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources which is currently in the process of migrating their services online.

  • Brunei: E-Govt Initiative Lacks Solid Implementation

    It has been a number of years since the e-Government initiative was introduced, but it is still considered to be in its infancy, said a senior government officer yesterday when asked on his opinion regarding progress within the initiative.

    The senior official, who could not be named, informed The Brunei Times that the lag in the initiative is due to implementation of ideas which sometimes falls short within the management system of each respective ministries and could also be attributed to the lack of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Programmes.

  • Brunei: E-Govt Initiative Means Better Service Delivery

    Providing e-Government services is more than providing hardware and software to the relevant agencies, but equally calls for the improvement of the business process before getting these services online, said the Acting Director of E-Govermnent National Centre (EGNC) in an interview with The Brunei Times yesterday.

    In addressing this matter, Hjh Mariah Hj Mohd Taha said that the Bruneian government has conducted many Business Re-engineering exercises as part of the e-Government initiative, where they were "looking at the back-end process to help the front-end service delivery" to bring the service to the citizens.

  • Brunei: E-Govt Initiative Needs More ICT Skilled Personnel

    In Adequate number of skilled and knowledgeable workforce in the field of Info-communications Technology (ICT) will pose as a challenge to the e-government initiative once more e-government projects are introduced.

    This was said by the Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, Dato Seri Paduka Eussoff Agaki Hj Ismail, during the launching of the E-government Strategic Plan 2009-2014 at the Rizqun International Hotel yesterday.

  • Brunei: E-Govt Initiatives Mulled At Conference

    The progress of Brunei's e-Government initiatives was discussed yesterday following the "Roadmap for Success in e-Governance" talk delivered by the Vice President of Oracle Asia Pacific, Keith Bidge.

    The panel of speakers included Dr. Yong Chee Tuan, Director of ICT Centre Universiti Brunei Darussalam; members of KKT; Sheikh Abas of Syabas Technologies Sdn Bhd; Haji Umar Ali bin Haji Abdullah of BIT Secretariat and the Chief of Computer Services of Information Technology and State Store Department and EGSPEC members.

  • Brunei: E-Govt Officials Visit Oman, Bahrain

    A group of government officials recently visited Oman and Bahrain to share experiences with their counterparts on the implementation of e-government initiatives.

    Led by Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister's Office and E-Government Leadership Forum (EGLF) Dato Seri Paduka Eussoff Agaki bin Haji Ismail, the delegation also comprised Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT and E-Government) at the Prime Minister's Office Awang Abdul Mutalib bin POKS SDP Haji Mohd Yusof and other senior officials from the Prime Minister's Office, the E-Government National Centre (EGNC) and the Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry (AITI).

  • Brunei: E-Govt Portal To Online In 2011

    Brunei's national online portal is now expected to be up and running within the first quarter of next year, the recently-promoted Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT and E-government) at the Prime Minister's Office disclosed yesterday.

    Following a technology forum yesterday at The Empire Hotel and Country Club, Hj Azhar Hj Ahmad informed reporters that the e-Government National Centre (EGNC) is currently working on the first of three stages for the national portal, which will eventually enable the public to access the services offered by the government online.

    The first stage of the portal's implementation will see the available "e-services" listed on the portal, while the latter two stages would provide for citizen-to-government transactions and incorporate public interaction features.

  • Brunei: E-Govt Services: 'Focus On Better Delivery, Not World Rankings'

    Brunei needs to focus on providing more e-Government services and improving the delivery of such services, which the Sultanate is lacking, said a United Nations (UN) inter-regional adviser on e-Government yesterday.

    "Brunei's (online) portals have a lot of information listed on them but not a lot of e-Government services," said Richard Kerby of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

    The UN expert had been facilitating a two-day workshop on the Measurement and Evaluation Tool for e-Government Readiness, or Meter in short, at the golf course-side Bunker Meeting Room of the Empire Hotel and Country Club in Jerudong.

  • Brunei: E-Govt Target ‘Over Ambitious’

    While the country has made great strides in the development and implementation of Brunei's e-Government, it was revealed yesterday that a 2006 e-Government Implementation Review found the e-Government target to be "over ambitious".

    In the second session of the THiNKBIG National Technology Forum, Pg Dato Paduka Haji Ismail bin Pg I fall Mohamed, Government CIO and Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, addressed over 200 participants on "Brunei's e-Government: Implementing the National Plan" describing the Brunei government's vision and direction on ICT.

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