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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Brunei's initiative to develop its e-government has attracted the attention of Professor Jim Tam from a leading Canadian University, who said he is confident the e-government project will set the Sultanate on the road to economic diversification.

Professor Tam of Ryerson University, who is also a former ICT manager, however said, "Achieving e-government success requires active partnerships between government, citizens and enterprises". To ensure its success, he added, "Brunei could benefit from the insights learned from e-government implementation in other countries". And already in the pipeline is today's (February 3) e-government conference on "Enabling Government into the 21st Century". He is also confident that the e-government project led by the Prime Minister's Office would avoid the common obstacles.

Simply defining e-government as government on-line, he said it involves the provision of government information and the delivery of government services via the Internet.

The system should be used by the government effectively to provide accurate information to its people, potential tourists and investors.

But to begin with, Brunei's national goals and policies must be competitive internationally, so that the e-government content, speed and ease of use are critical elements for success. In fact, Professor Tam added, the content of the e-government system is the government.

E-Government implementation is not a big bang, he believes, "like a single event that transforms a government overnight". On e-Government system implementation, he explained that it is a process often involving a huge investment of money, time, and human resource as well as unforeseen risks.

ICT implemented through e-government has brought untold benefits to many nations. Among the good examples are Singapore and Finland. As the world is becoming increasingly globalised, nations without the smart use of ICT will be marginalised quickly.

But for Brunei Darussalam, joining other international community in the development of an e-government, the Sultanate has stepped into a new era.

Autor: CT Hj Mahmod

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 02.02.2005

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