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Freitag, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Brunei's national online portal is now expected to be up and running within the first quarter of next year, the recently-promoted Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT and E-government) at the Prime Minister's Office disclosed yesterday.

Following a technology forum yesterday at The Empire Hotel and Country Club, Hj Azhar Hj Ahmad informed reporters that the e-Government National Centre (EGNC) is currently working on the first of three stages for the national portal, which will eventually enable the public to access the services offered by the government online.

The first stage of the portal's implementation will see the available "e-services" listed on the portal, while the latter two stages would provide for citizen-to-government transactions and incorporate public interaction features.

"We hope to see the first stage completed and implemented in the first quarter of next year," the deputy permanent secretary said.

However, Hj Azhar, who is also the overall government chief information officer (CIO) conceded that not all government e-services would be ready by that time.

"We build up the portal (but) it doesn't mean that every service will be ready. So we will only select those services which are actually ready (to be incorporated into the online portal)," he said.

Despite this, the overall government CIO defended that the implementation of the portal was part of the standards in e-government.

Hj Azhar yesterday did not have figures of how many e-services were "ready", but he said that once they were, they would be incorporated into the portal in stages.

"Once they (government agencies) are ready with their services, then we can incorporate that as part of the system," he said, adding that this would enable citizens to check on new services through the portal.

Earlier in May, an EGNC official said they were "hoping to achieve something (on the portal) within this year".

The official said that the "One Government Portal", which would be "an integrated coordination of all government, business and citizen clusters in a single portal and is a gateway to e-government services".


Quelle/Source: Bru Direct, 28.10.2010

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