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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Brunei needs to focus on providing more e-Government services and improving the delivery of such services, which the Sultanate is lacking, said a United Nations (UN) inter-regional adviser on e-Government yesterday.

"Brunei's (online) portals have a lot of information listed on them but not a lot of e-Government services," said Richard Kerby of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The UN expert had been facilitating a two-day workshop on the Measurement and Evaluation Tool for e-Government Readiness, or Meter in short, at the golf course-side Bunker Meeting Room of the Empire Hotel and Country Club in Jerudong.

Inviting relevant senior officials, chief information officers (CIOs), chief technical officers (CTOs) from the various ministries as well as from the e-Government National Centre (EGNC), the workshop aimed at "getting a global view of the opinions of different people" on Brunei's e-Government transformation and identifying "gap areas", Kerby explained.

The Meter system was being used to address these issues.

"Meter is an online interactive tool to assist governments and decision-makers in developing, monitoring, refining and improving the context within which information and communication technologies (ICT) are used to transform government; in a sense, in creating the context for e-Government," said an EGNC press release.

The statement elaborated that Meter consisted of five main pillars - commitment, legal, vision and policy, organisation, and technology - which are key to establishing a supportive, enabling environment for e-Government.

The pillars and their sub-themes can influence a government's capability to effectively harness technology for government transformation, the statement added.

However, the goal of the Meter workshop was not to improve Brunei's e-Government ranking, Kerby clarified.

Kerby had been directly involved in this year's UN e-Government survey, where Brunei placed 68th this year, stepping up 19 places from the Sultanate's ranking in 2008. The ranking is based on a composite index of online services, telecommunications infrastructure and human capital indices, the EGNC statement explained. The next UN e-Government survey will be in 2012.

"The focus is (finding out) how to deliver more e-services to the people, not to improve rankings. Once the e-services are there, then the ranking will improve," he assured.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Ubaidillah Masli

Quelle/Source: Bru Direct, 17.07.2010

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