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Freitag, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The e-Government National Centre (EGNC) yesterday began the first series of e-Government roadshows at ministries.

The first e-Government roadshow was held at Dewan Setia Pahlawan, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR). The roadshow was one of the promotional activities conducted by EGNC to create awareness on the e-Government Strategic Plan 2009-2014, the role of ministries and the role of EGNC in implementing the e-Government Initiatives, according to a press release.

In attendance were Hajah Suriyah bte Haji Umar, Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources; Abdul Mutalib bin POKSS Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yusof, Deputy Permanent Secretary (IT and e-Government) at Prime Minister's Office; and Pengiran Hajah Mariana bte Pengiran Dipa Negara Laila Diraja Pengiran Haji Abdul Momin, Deputy Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources.

In his opening remarks, Pengiran Harun bin Pg Hj Aliuddin Director of Administration and Finance, Chief Information Officer of Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources said that for the past two decades the public sector has experienced a process of modernisation. In this era of ICT, the public continuously demand faster services, customer friendliness, conveniences and cost effectiveness.

The CIO further highlighted that one of the e-Government flagship projects -Business Licensing System (BLS) - is steered by a special committee that is co-chaired by Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources and Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Home Affairs. He hoped with the realisation of the BLS project, the government can further achieve these demands.

A special presentation was given by the Director of EGNC, Haji Azhar bin Haji Ahmad, in which he touched on the five key pillars of the e-Government Strategic Plan, namely developing capabilities and capacities; enhancing governance; strengthening security and trust; integrating the government; and delivering integrated, accessible and convenient e-services.

The director said that in this year's e-Government 2010 plan, priorities will be given to e-Government projects that take the whole-of-government perspective, have the criteria of connectivity, interactivity and transactional and will be classified as `Flagship Projects'. He further highlighted that the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources as the co-lead agency of one of the flagship projects - the BLS Project - plays an important role in the e-Government initiatives. The e-Government Citizen Survey conducted in December 2009 until

March 2010 shows business licensing was ranked third in the overall government services that the citizens want to be made available online. EGNC officers and personnel stationed within the ministry were urged to work hand in hand with the business process owner to ensure that all e-Government projects would be successfully implemented. He further mentioned the important role of Chief Information Officer (CIO) for each ministry is not only to oversee the e-Government projects but to ensure the alignment of the nation's e-Government initiatives as a whole.

The roadshow was also attended by heads of department, senior officers, officers and staff of Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources and the departments under it.


Quelle/Source: Bru Direct, 08.06.2010

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