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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A two-way discussion was held recently between the private and government sectors on how to do it best with e-Business technology.

During the dialogue, the private sector sought opportunities within the government sector to show their capabilities in e-project initiatives while the government sector discussed ways in which they could lend a helping hand. The open discussion held at the recent Brunei e-Business Forum put forth several issues that pose as a possible hindrance to the development of e-business technology among the country's Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Among the issues outlined by the panel members was the lack of supporting infrastructure for e-Business technology such as financial and skilled resources.

This also included the lack of support or encouragement from the government sector - the biggest player in the ICT industry in the country - in which encouragement was suggested to be in the form of small amount of incentives such as a working capital to kick-start projects proposed by the SMEs.

In retrospect, there was also a view suggesting that some of the SMEs do not see ICT as the key component in their business strategy, and that they did not exploit the opportunities offered such as digitising their product services or networks in executing business operations.

SMEs in the country were advised to change their mindset and to move into a new paradigm that "e-Business is the way forward".

Among the panel members during the session on "Adoption of e-Business Technology by Brunei SMEs: Where are we now?"were Fauziah Dato Talib, Management and Technology Consultant at IQ Quest Company; Mr Muhammad Reeda Malik, GM of Sapura (B) Sdn Bhd; and, Mr Ang Swee Meng, the Executive Director of Mach Telecommunications Sdn Bhd.

Awg Yahkup Menudin, Regional Information Management and Technology Manager at Shell Exploration and Production Asia Pacific (EPA), moderated the panel session.

Mr Ang Swee Meng admitted that Brunei has a long way to go in reaching towards the "era of information through your fingertips", in the sense of e-Business through mobile phone.

"Brunei needs to take a few big steps, where a few things need to be done," he said.

The challenges mentioned, among others, are Internet penetration that needs to make its presence felt; a change in mindset to have the confidence to do e-Business; and a change in culture in which the majority of Bruneians still enjoy carrying out their business operations traditionally.

"There is a need to raise awareness on the benefits of e-usiness among local SMEs with the main important factors being educational efforts and effective partnership," said Fauziah, proposing or big corporations to institutionalise themselves in programmes on educating the SMEs on e-usiness and for the Government to reduce bureaucracy.

Muhammad Reeda Malik meanwhile reiterated that the guidance from the government in terms of certification, training and information on what type of skills are required.

Skepticism on the new technology was also expressed from members of the floor that the e-project initiatives could lead to cut-down of employment, which was clarified by the invited guest speaker, Mr. Shin Yasunobe.

"This new technology is designed to reduce cost, where e-Government may reduce employment," said Mr Yasunobe. "But they also have to weigh the quality of good services."

The potential of e-learning business as a niche market that Brunei can offer was also cited.

Present among the members of the floor last Wednesday were Pehin Dato Awg Hj Abdullah, the Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Communications; Mr John Perry, the CEO of Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB); Sheikh Jamaluddin, Director of Tourism Development; Shiekh Abas, the MD of Syabas Technology; senior government officials as well as members of the private sector.

Held at the Empire Hotel and Country Club, the session ended with concluding remarks delivered by Mr Timothy Ong, Chairman of Asia Inc Forum.

He highlighted the main issues confronting the new technology that were identified during the half-day e-Business forum, among which were the right policies and infrastructure required in order to support the e-Business technology among SMEs.

Autor: CT Hj Mahmod

Quelle: BruneiDirect, 27.08.2004

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