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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

FJ: Fidschi / Fiji

  • Fijian gov't to maximize on e-services for those in rural areas

    The Fijian government will maximize the use of the Walesi platform for transmitting messages to reach the farthest in Fiji as it streamlines e-government services, local media reported on Friday.

    Fiji's Minister for Communications Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said on Friday that there were plans to streamline e-government services through the establishment of network towers.

  • Fiji looks to Chinese bank for e-gov't project: PM

    Fiji's interim government said on Tuesday it was again looking to China for financial assistance for the e-Government project after a submission was made to the cabinet by interim Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

    The prime minister said that about 90 percent of the first phase of e-Government project has been physically completed as of end of October but they needed finances for the second phase.

  • Fiji: Cabinet endorses e-Govt programme

    The Fiji Cabinet has endorsed the e-Government master plan, the Governance for e-Government Report and the Strategic ICT Competency Study Report.

    The reports are the result of the completion of the first phase of the e-Government programme.

    Minister for Finance and National Planning Mahendra Chaudhry explained that the e-Government was funded via a Government of China concessional loan of about $US20 million, with an allocation of $2m provided for the local component in the 2008 Budget for this programme.

  • Fiji: Commission aims for excellence, ownership

    All permanent secretaries and heads of government agencies will need to take a leading role in the implementation of the service excellence awards framework.

    Public Service Commission permanent secretary Parmesh Chand has encouraged all government agencies to take ownership of the Service Excellence Awards program saying it was an investment for enhancing better and efficient delivery of Government's services to the people.

    The awards night will be held on October 29.

  • Fiji: E-Government Plan

    A program to implement government communications infrastructure and to give high-priority to government service online has been launched.

    Interim Finance Minister Mahendra Chaudhry says the E-Government Program will create a ‘New Fiji’ with improved levels of communication within and outside of Fiji.

  • Fiji: E-Government plan to benefit investors

    Fiji’s interim Government is currently implementing the e-government master plan which will greatly benefit foreign investors.

    Interim Trade, Industry, Tourism and Communication minister Tom Ricketts made the revelation yesterday while briefing a trade and investment mission from Taiwan.

    “The plan has 14 components, and the pilot project for this is what is known as the investment approvals tracking system,” Ricketts said.

  • Fiji: E-Govt Project To Save Time

    The Education Ministry will try and save time for students registering for major exams through their online registration program.

    Filipe Bole said the Registration for Examinations and the Provision of Examination Results service is one that has been selected by the Fiji e-Government Project, which will enable schools or students to register for exams online.

  • Fiji: E-project reaches rural schools

    Twelve rural schools will receive internet services thanks to the assistance of the Chinese Government.

    The Ministry of Education has installed V-satellite dishes to help install electronic mail to the schools, which are referred to as e-community learning centres.

    The schools include Ra High School, Vunidawa, Namosi and Vunisea secondary schools, Nadarivatu High School, Magodro District School, Bua College, Saqani Junior Secondary School, Nadogo Secondary School, Nabala High School and Rotuma High School.

  • Fiji: Govt online service launched

    The government’s ongoing efforts to enhancing public sector efficiency and effective service delivery took another step forward yesterday with the launch of its E-Governance Computer Project.

    Interim Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama yesterday launched the system that will facilitate the electronic registration of companies and place company information online.

    Bainimarama said the e-governance project was a milestone achievement for the responsible ministry – the Ministry of Justice, and the government.

  • Fiji: ITC to generate growth: Minister

    Government acknowledges the potential of the Information Communications Technology (ICT) to generate growth, investment and employment in the economy, says Finance minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola.

    In a statement, he said the Fiji Islands Trade and Investment Bureau would continue its trade missions to the Australian, American and Asian markets, promoting investment in Fiji's IT.

  • Fiji: Mobile-Health services launched

    The Health Ministry was yesterday handed mobile phones from the World Health Organization as part of an innovative new program to enable the early detection of communicable diseases in Fiji.

    The new program, called Mobile-Health, is a means of speeding up notification of outbreak prone diseases that may cause public health concern and help avoid long waits.

  • Fiji: New program works well

    The e-government program will ensure red-tape reduction, says the Information and Communications Technology Association.

    Association executive committee member Jonathan Segal said by reducing red-tape people needed to wade through "online applications can significantly improve on an area that has long been considered a point of frustration".

  • Fiji: New system allows easy access: Prasad

    The new e-Government project in Fiji will enhance businesses but most importantly allow government employees and citizens of Fiji to gain access to government information and services.

    Director for e-Government Information Technology and Computing Services (ITCS), Vassist Prasad said technological changes are increasing rapidly over the globe and Fiji needs to adapt to these changing information technology trends.

  • Fiji: Online job search site targets youth

    CareerNET, Fiji's first online job searching website has been launched.

    The website was developed for the Ministry of Youth by Connect Interactive under the ITC Services e-Government Program, funded by the Asian Development Bank.

  • Fiji: People will have easier access to services

    Public accessibility to government services is expected to improve significantly following approval of a concessional loan by the Chinese Government.

    On Monday night, Fiji's Caretaker Minister for Finance, Jone Kubuabola and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao signed a memorandum of agreement that saw the approval of a loan of $US20 million ($35,618,878).

  • Fiji: Plan for more outsourcing

    Outsourcing is to be increased in the Fijian Public Service as part of the Prime Minister’s Public Service reform agenda.

    Prime Minister, Commodore Frank Bainimarama said outsourcing some functions of the PS would lead to significant improvements in the standard of service delivery over the next four years.

    Commodore Bainimarama said it was essential to have clear policy guidelines in place for outsourcing. He said the policy would help reduce expenditure, make more resources available for capital expenditure and encourage private sector growth.

  • Fiji: School exam system to go online

    Schools and students will soon have the opportunity to register for examinations and check results online, says the Ministry of Education.

    The Registration for Examinations and the Provision of Examination Results (EXMS) service is a service that had been selected by the Fiji e-Government Project.

    “The service will generally improve coordination between the Examinations & Assessment Unit (EAU) of the ministry and schools,” said interim Education Minister Filipe Bole.

  • Fiji: State looks for $34.5m

    The Government will borrow $US20million ($F34.5million) from the People's Republic of China, through the China Exim Bank to fund the Fiji-Chinese E-Government project.

    Finance Minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola moved the motion in Parliament yesterday in pursuant to section 59 of the Financial Management Act 2004.

  • Fiji: State seeks loan approval

    The Government is seeking parliamentary approval for a US$20million ($F34.7m) loan from China Exim Bank to fund its Fiji-Chinese E-Government project.

    A motion was proposed by the Finance Minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola to the Parliamentary secretariat asking for approval to secure the loan from the bank through the Chinese Government.

  • Fiji: System to improve communication

    The recently launched eGovernment program is said to create a New Fiji with improved levels of communication within and outside of Fiji.

    Interim Minister for Finance, Mahendra Chaudhry termed eGovernment as the application of ICT or information communications technology by government agencies to enhance and improve public sector delivery.

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