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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government is seeking parliamentary approval for a US$20million ($F34.7m) loan from China Exim Bank to fund its Fiji-Chinese E-Government project.

A motion was proposed by the Finance Minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola to the Parliamentary secretariat asking for approval to secure the loan from the bank through the Chinese Government.

Ratu Jone said the loan was part of the Government's Information Communications and Technology policy, which was outlined in the 2006 Budget.

"The loan would fund an E-Government network which would facilitate the delivery of government's services to the public," he said.

The $US20m loan would be for a period of 20 years at 2 per cent interest per year.

Ratu Jone said it was a concessionary loan and government would not pay any principal for the first five years.

However, he said interest would be paid during this five years.

Once the loan was secured, Ratu Jone said Alcatel Shanghai, based in China and Singapore's National Computer Services would be the two companies contracted to carry out the E-Government project.

Ratu Jone said the services of the two companies had been agreed on by the Government because of their experience in implementing similar projects in the Asian region.

The Information Ministry is the government department which was administrating the E-Government project.

The E-Government project was hatched during a E-Governance conference two years ago.

Ratu Jone wants the motion to be debated idn the Lower House this week.He had invoked standing orders 53 to pursue the motion as it was not listed in the official order paper of the House of Representatives.

Quelle: Fiji Times, 28.11.2005

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