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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government acknowledges the potential of the Information Communications Technology (ICT) to generate growth, investment and employment in the economy, says Finance minister Ratu Jone Kubuabola.

In a statement, he said the Fiji Islands Trade and Investment Bureau would continue its trade missions to the Australian, American and Asian markets, promoting investment in Fiji's IT.

He said the audio visual industry and the Fiji Investment Corporation in partnership with the private sector would pursue investment opportunities in the tourism, natural resources sector and ICT.

"An allocation of $2.5million therefore, has been given to the Fiji Audio Visual Commission for next year in support of its work," he said.

He said for the next year, nine audio visual productions were expected to generate around $63.8million of foreign exchange.

He said $8.5million had been allocated for the e-Government project to begin in 2007, which would provide online access and improve service delivery for many Government services.

"This project will be completed by 2009," Ratu Jone said.


Quelle/Source: Fiji Times, 05.12.2006

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