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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Fiji's interim government said on Tuesday it was again looking to China for financial assistance for the e-Government project after a submission was made to the cabinet by interim Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

The prime minister said that about 90 percent of the first phase of e-Government project has been physically completed as of end of October but they needed finances for the second phase.

The cabinet approved that the Ministry of Finance seek a soft loan from the Export and Import Bank of China (EXIM Bank of China)to finance phase 2 of the e-Government project.

China had provided 20 million U.S. dollars to the Fiji government to fund phase 1 of the e-Government Project.

Bainimarama said that Phase 2 of e-Government project will be a continuation of the recommendations contained in the e-Government Master Plan.

"Phase 2 will focus on more deliveries, such as the creation of National Identity System, strengthening of border control solutions, and improvement of national info-communications infrastructure," he said.

"A major component of Phase 2 of e-Government will focus on there-engineering of government processes that will assist in nation-wide exercises such as the right-sizing activities of the civil-service," he added.

He said that it is anticipated that Phase 2 of the eGovernment Project begins in January 2010 and be completed by December 2012.

Bainimarama explained that as part of ensuring the successful implementation of the e-Government Project, a separate Fiji eGovernment Project Team was formed.

"The Fiji e-government Project Team has been responsible for the provision of the required engineering work, provision the required quality assurance work, establishment of the Project Management Office, development the required Project Management standards, coordination of the various eGovernment initiatives, and capacity building programs;

"Of the total of 84 projects to be completed under the e-Government Project, 68 of these projects were completed from January 2008 to October 2009.

The remaining 16 is to be completed within the next few months."

He said that to continue to achieve the required success rate for the future eGovernment Projects, the eGovernment Project team will continue its operation up to at least 2012 once the EXIM bank loan is approved.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Li Xianzhi

Quelle/Source: Xinhua, 10.11.2009

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