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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
With ICT innovations simplifying all forms of transactions within the vertical markets, the public sector also stands to benefit immensely from technologies that will not only improve efficiencies for government departments and agencies but also save them hundreds of millions of rands.

One of these technologies is short message services (SMS) that can be adopted to streamline internal processes and communications with the country's citizens. That's the word from Rob Airey, CEO of SMS Cellular Services, provider of CellSys SMS technology.

Read more: South Africa: E-Government Services On SMS

Over the last year the South African government has increasingly advertised its intentions and efforts to become more technologically enabled, with the aim to improve its internal operations, its service levels, and its accessibility to its citizens. To date, open source software seems to be its chosen technology. Government needs, however, to ensure that its open source software implementations are appropriately maintained and supported if its technology efforts are to succeed.

Read more: South Africa: Open source support vital to enhance e-government initiatives

Public Service and Administration Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi has called on South Africans to comment on the newly-launched Batho Pele Gateway Portal.

The first phase of the portal was launched this morning in Johannesburg.

Read more: South Africa: Call for Feedback On Info Gateway

The skills and experience of technicians in India and Brazil will help SA's government make information and services accessible to its citizens .

Tapping into the technologies and experience of other emerging nations would boost an e-government initiative to put all its information and procedures online, Public Services Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi said yesterday.

Read more: South Africa Taps India, Brazil On E-Government

EFFORTS by government to make its services more accessible over the internet have made little progress in the past year, with SA static at position 22 in a global scale of egovernment maturity.

Government has not improved much in any of the categories used to rank the countries its best progress being a 9% improvement in the area of customer relationship management.

Read more: South Africa: State Slow Off the Mark With E-Government

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