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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Municipality stall, which is part of the huge Dubai e-Government pavilion, displays two sections.

Dubai Municipality stall at GITEX. The first section promotes the e-services provided by the Municipality and the second section gives information about Explore Dubai, which helps find out online any facility in the Emirate of Dubai.

Read more: UAE: Dubai Municipality is participating in GITEX 2003

In a move designed to streamline user experience, deliver better services, efficient transaction processing and 24/7 availability, the UAE Ministry of Labour announced today the implementation of a SmartForms portal built in co-partnership with Global Information Technologies (GIT) using Microsoft technologies.

Read more: UAE Ministry of Labour partners with GIT and Microsoft to launch SmartForms.NET

A landmark plan involving supplying UAE nationals and expatriates with smart identity cards to replace their driving licence and all cards used in health and other services will put the UAE on the way to a fully electronic state, a police spokesman said yesterday.

Each electronic card, bearing a special number, will include the individual's blood group, fingerprints, and other biological characteristics. It will be linked to all government departments to ensure quicker services.

Read more: UAE: Planned smart ID cards to pave way for e-government

he Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry has launched its website in a new image, within the frame of the Chamber's new vision and strategy, coinciding with the GITEX 2003 events.

DCCI launched its new identity on a press conference held by the Director General of DCCI last week.

Read more: UAE: DCCI launches its website in a new image

A new Internet service will soon allow people to carry out automatic transactions with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

The Ministry will shortly launch a 'smart forms' portal to fast-track processing of transactions and provide a complete, end-to-end form completion process for companies, typing centres and individual customers.

Read more: UAE: 'Smart forms' to fast-track transactions with Ministry

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