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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has congratulated Dubai Municipality for winning the coveted Dubai Government Excellence Award for the Distinguished e-Government Department, which has been announced earlier this month. In a letter sent to Qassim Sultan, Director General of Dubai Municipality, Nadir Haj Hamou, Resident Representative of the UNDP, he said the municipality's feat could be attributed to the best management practices adopted by the civic body in integrating state-of-the-art technologies with the municipal services provided to the public. Dubai Municipality's e-Government portal offers nearly 300 e-Services, of which 70 facilitate online transactions. The remaining services provide information and enable the customers to print manual application forms for different civic services. Late last year, the municipality introduced the online payment facility for a variety of services using credit cards and e-Dirham.

The portal has almost completed 400,000 online transactions with an average weekly rate of 10,000 transactions. Since it is a convenient means of payment, the newly introduced e-payment service is getting an increased number of users.

As a third phase of the e-Government initiative of Dubai Municipality, more e-Services will be launched soon.

Quelle: AME Info, 02.05.2004

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