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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dubai eGovernment's AskDubai Contact Centre handled more than 60,000 calls and 1,200 emails since its launch in June 2003 and until April 2004.

Mahmood Al Bastaki, Business Process Re-engineering Consultant, Dubai eGovernment, addressing a seminar on Regional Call Centre Trends in Dubai. In addition, it initiated more than 20,000 outbound calls, 550 online chats and over 50 faxes.

Read more: UAE:Dubai eGov't AskDubai contact center handled over 60,000 calls& 1,200 emails

eJob, Dubai eGovernment’s centralized recruitment system that brings together job-seekers and government departments on one electronic platform, has attracted over 3,700 CVs since its launch, in April 2003, as an online link over the portal A total of 24 government departments have registered with the service, 11 of whom are actively interacting with job-seekers.

Read more: UAE: eJob platform to provide direct access to job-seekers

The Transportation Department at Dubai Municipality on Tuesday conducted a seminar to announce the launch of a new online enquiry system for Municipality vehicles.

Eng. Abdullah Al Shaibani Assistant Director General for Technical Services, Omar Bin Haider, Acting Director of Transportation Department, Adnan Al Hammadi, Head of Administrative Section in the Transportation Department and heads of other sections and units in the department participated in the seminar.

Read more: UAE: DM Transportation Dept launches online enquiry system for vehicles

e-government is not an electronic version of existing documents, procedures and services, but a fundamentally new, integrated and complete channel of delivering services using all possibilities of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) according to Diyaa Zebian, Regional Manager, Middle East & Egypt, eSolutions BEA. “It is not about government but about government customers, the citizens, companies and public servants,” he said.

Read more: UAE: From citizens to customers

e-government is not an electronic version of existing documents, procedures and services, but a fundamentally new, integrated and complete channel of delivering services using all possibilities of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) according to Diyaa Zebian, Regional Manager, Middle East & Egypt, eSolutions BEA.

Read more: UAE: Success of e-governments is linked to implementing the right IT platform

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