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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Azerbaijan is working to develop an e-system of the real estate registration, Azerbaijani Parliamentary Legal Policy and State Building Committee head Ali Huseynli told Trend.

Stressing the existence of problems in the real estate registration, Huseynli said illicit interests play a role in issuing the documents by the State Real Estate Registry Service.

Huseynli said problems in this area decreased following the President’s appropriate orders. All the processes relating to the immovable property registration must be in e-form, he added.

Read more: Azerbaijan to create e-system of real estate registration

Azerbaijan plans to maximize the penetration of ICT in education system.

The ICT Centre reports that within the framework of the State Program on Education System Computerization of Azerbaijan for 2008-12 it is planned this year to create a single national educational sphere and opportunities for quality education with wide application of information and communication technologies.

Priority directions of this year’s activity is computerization of the regional educational institutions by 1,500 computers given to schools in Baku and Sumgait in 2005, and the modernization of the computer park of the capital and Sumgait schools by providing them with 1,500 new computers.

Read more: Azerbaijan plans to maximize ICT penetration in education

Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev has ordered to prepare a new form of identity card of a citizen of Azerbaijan of the rising generation.

Under the order, for the next three months the Cabinet Ministers is to prepare and submit to the President the description, specification and sample of the identification card of a citizen of Azerbaijan, to contain an electronic carrier (chip). The President ordered to place the data on the citizen’s domiciliary registration, his family status, fingerprints and other personal biometric indicators in the ID electronic carrier (chip).

Read more: A decision on transfer to ID cards with chip and biometric data of citizens made in Azerbaijan

The SayberNet company completed work on the creation of an "e-Government" portal, CEO Ilham Namazov told Trend on Friday. Namazov said the portal is planned to launch in mid-March.

The e-Government portal will be a key instrument for supporting work with citizens, and public and private sectors.

The work on creating the portal is being implemented jointly with the Azerbaijani Communications and IT Ministry.

Read more: Azerbaijan to launch 'E-Government' portal

Creation of an information system on employment for civil service is to be created in Azerbaijan until 2012.

The Civil Service Commission under the President of Azerbaijan reports that the project is implemented within the State ICT Development Program of Azerbaijan for 2010-12.

The project aim is to simplify the process of receiving documents of citizens for participation in competitions and interviews, provide interactivity in period test examinations and manage reserve personnel and their appointment to certain positions.

Read more: Info system for civil service employment under creation in Azerbaijan

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