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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Azerbaijan plans to maximize the penetration of ICT in education system.

The ICT Centre reports that within the framework of the State Program on Education System Computerization of Azerbaijan for 2008-12 it is planned this year to create a single national educational sphere and opportunities for quality education with wide application of information and communication technologies.

Priority directions of this year’s activity is computerization of the regional educational institutions by 1,500 computers given to schools in Baku and Sumgait in 2005, and the modernization of the computer park of the capital and Sumgait schools by providing them with 1,500 new computers.

It is envisaged to ensure general education schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, education departments with ICT equipment (500 laptops, 500 projectors, 1,000 Intel netbooks, and 3,000 HP desktop computers).

The state program also stipulates connection of another 500 educational institutions of Azerbaijan to Azedunet network and their provision with high-speed Internet access, increased of use of electronic education technologies through the fiber-optic Internet and intranet networks in 5 schools and 5 departments of education, as well as their providing with necessary equipment and software.

In parallel, there are plans to expand the coverage of project "One pupil - one computer" with attracting the relevant structures of micro-financing, the provision of e-government service in education, development and application of mechanisms of e-signature and e-documents in the educational system, increased use of AEL, and ensure a full transfer to the use of e-journal in the new e-schools.

The action plan includes strengthening of staff potential, in particular trainings on implementation of complex measures aimed at improving the literacy of the administrative and managerial staff of the education system (500 persons), enhancing the ICT literacy of teachers, improving the regulatory framework, preparing the rules of inspection of e-teaching aids, taking e-resources, preparing an act of acceptance (the license).

There will also be taken measures to foster development of distance education and other activities aimed at achieving the priority goals.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 28.02.2011

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