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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Azerbaijan possesses good basic conditions in order to be an active participant in the Open Government Partnership (OGP), which was presented in New York on Tuesday, an independent economist Ingilab Ahmedov told Trend.

Azerbaijan joined the official launch of Open Government Partnership (OGP) on Sept. 20, dining the 66lh UN General Assembly, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov's letter to U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said. The text of the letter was published on the OGP website.

Read more: Azerbaijan has good conditions for successful participation in Open Government Partnership

The Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies of Azerbaijan is drafting a bill on e-government.

Deputy communications minister Elmir Velizadeh informs that the bill will define the basic concepts and provisions of e-government system.

"The bill will define the terminology and the e-government regulation, e-service concept and principles of collection and provision of personal information to citizens," he stressed.

Read more: Azerbaijan may become 8th country in world to pass e-government law

E-government portal will be launched in Azerbaijan in the near future, deputy minister of communications and IT Elmir Valizadeh said.

To him, 8 state agencies have already been integrated into the e-government portal and this number increases. “At present time, several state agencies increases the variety of e-services and all state agencies are expected to be integrated into the portal soon. Our main purpose is to establish mutual relations between the organizations. Common standards, regulations, technologies are considered to apply in this regard”.

Read more: E-government portal to be launched in Azerbaijan soon

Eight public institutions of Azerbaijan have joined the e-government portal.

The statement was made on Tuesday by Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan Elmir Velizade.

According to him, "the list of organizations increases every day"

"The decree of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev ‘On some measures in the field of provision of electronic services by public authorities’ of May 23, 2011 contributes to the fact that, firstly, the organizations expanded the list of electronic services, and widely introduce them.

Read more: Eight state institutions in Azerbaijan connected to e-government portal

Today, the Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies of Azerbaijan has conducted presentation of e-government in Austria.

Azerbaijani deputy communication minister Elmir Velizadeh informs that today minister Ali Abbasov met with the head of the Austrian delegation.

"This meeting laid the foundation for mutual cooperation between Azerbaijan and Austria in the field of ICT. Our future plans are wide enough and envisage introduction of the most advanced technologies with use of Austria’s rich experience in this area," he stressed.

Read more: Azerbaijan starts drafting a bill on e-state

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