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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Azerbaijani Communications and IT Ministry officially announced about commissioning the Centre for issuance of electronic digital signature in Azerbaijan.

As the Azerbaijani Deputy Minister of Communications and IT Iltimas Mammadov said, the center begins its work in full capacity from today.

He said application of electronic digital signature in Azerbaijan will allow intensifying development of interaction of public institutions, including will contribute to the development of e-services and e-commerce.

Read more: Azerbaijan commissions center for e-signature issuance

Azerbaijan is considering possibility of single ID card introduction.

Deputy Communication and Information Technologies Minister of Azerbaijan Iltimas Mammadov has reported that introduction of similar projects is out of Information Technologies Ministry’s competence.

"Such projects are implemented with participation of several ministries and agencies. At present we introduced electronic-digital signature, in future we will define possibility of uniting different card e-services in one card. These may include ID, driving license, discount opportunities, permissions to different state bodies, financial services, e-signature and others",- he noted.

Read more: Introduction of single ID card planned in Azerbaijan

A collegial session has been held at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies.

According to sources in the Ministry, the session drafted the rules and sample administrative regulation to coordinate issues related to provision of e-services, defined the list of e-services to be provided. It was stated that this list has been submitted to the Cabinet.

It was noted that eight state bodies already use e-services and measures are taken to connect them to e-government portals.

Read more: Eight state bodies connected to e-government portals in Azerbaijan

Tax Ministry of Azerbaijan has announced the number of individual entrepreneurs passing on line registration.

The Ministry reports that altogether 3271 individuals engaged in entrepreneurship activity without creating legal entity have been registered since 1 July, start of on line registration.

Earlier head of Commercial legal entities state registration department of Tax Department of Baku Nigar Alimova told that introduction of individuals’ on line registration in Azerbaijan is one of e-government’s directions and the most important innovation after introduction of single window system.

Read more: Over 3.000 of individual entrepreneurs passed on line registration in Azerbaijan

Communication and Information Techno0logies Ministry of Azerbaijan has hosted a collegiate meeting devoted to discussion of fulfillment of the country president’s decree "On organization measures for state bodies’ electronic services".

The Ministry has reported that at the meeting Communication and Information Technologies Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Abbasov told of organization of relations between officials and citizens in new form with the use of information technologies. The decree enabled increase of transparency and efficiency of state bodies’ activity, eradication of corruption cases and possible bureaucratic obstacles.

Read more: Azerbaijan prepared rules, regulation, order and list of state electronic services

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