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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Azerbaijani Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies points out necessity to create single portal of the (e-government).

Azerbaijani Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov said that activation of application of information technologies in education, rendering of electronic services to taxpayers, automation of process in customs and migratory services, public health, retirement insurance, admission of students was observed over 2009.

Read more: Single portal of e-government offered to be created in Azerbaijan

The Plan of Actions prepared by the Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies is under consideration of the Cabinet Ministers.

“Plan realization will start next year in case of its approval,” the Ministry informed.

The country has already applying components of E-Government Project, for instance, one stop shop principle.

Read more: Launch of E-Government Plan in Azerbaijan is possible in 2010

Azerbaijan is ready to accept items of memorandum on telemedicine proceeding from its interestsAzerbaijan accepts provisions of the memorandum of CIS cooperation in telemedicine only in terms of compliance with all the interests of the country, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Information Society Development Head Rufat Gulmammadov told media.

Gulmammadov said that Azerbaijan participates in all actions on this issue. If all the issues meet interests of the Republic, Azerbaijan is ready to take part in these projects.

Read more: Azerbaijan is ready to accept items of memorandum on telemedicine proceeding from its interests

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is developing is a new web-portal for Azerbaijan-based small and medium business entities, said Abulfas Manafov, an economic consultant for the IFC Office in Baku.

According to him, the portal will create a kind of communication between businesses and is another step towards the e-government project.

Read more: New web portal for entrepreneurs to be launched in Azerbaijan

Next stage of program of development of communication and information technologies for 2009-2012 (E-Azerbaijan) can be adopted by the end of 2009.

“The next stage of the state program of development of communication and information technologies for 2009-2012 (E-Azerbaijan) can be adopted by the end of this year, said Rufat Gulmammadov, chief of department under Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies.

Read more: Next stage of E-Azerbaijan program might be adopted by yearend

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