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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In the coming year, Azerbaijan will introduce the system of issuing electronic visas to citizens of foreign countries.

The statement came from Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfas Garayev at an event held on the occasion of the World Tourism Day.

According to him, work on the creation of this system is still actively pursued.

Read more: Foreigners entering Azerbaijan by e-visa will use e-services - Minister

The Ministry of Communications & IT of Azerbaijan is still negotiating with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) the issues associated with the planned orbital position for the national communications satellite.

Azercosmos spokesperson Nigar Madatli says that position on 43.2, 58.5 and 96 degrees east longitude was allotted for placing the first Azerbaijani satellite Azerspace-1, Fineko reports.

Read more: AZ: ICT Ministry accords with ITU over getting planned orbital position

Ministry of Economic Development will continue working to expand coverage of e-services to the population, head of the Ministry of Economic Development's Administration Samir Veliyev told Trend.

"Document circulation in the Ministry is electronized and corporate electronic signature is used. A modern communications infrastructure is created, advanced software is installed, all the necessary licenses for the system and server programs are acquired," Veliyev said.

Read more: Azerbaijani Ministry of Economic Development expanding coverage of its electronic services

The State Committee for Property Affairs of Azerbaijan is expanding the list of e-services provided to the population in the area of registration of real estate.

Committee’s deputy chairman Rafig Jalilov says that currently the Committee renders e-services on provision of references on real estate encumbrance as well as the secondary registration of property.

Read more: Azerbaijan to computerize mortgage registration process

The Ministry of Communications & IT is preparing to introduce a single system of mobile government (m-government).

Informed sources say that the system is provided in order to improve access to state e-services and promotion of the use of digital signature in the country.

"This system will enable to use electronic digital signatures of the subscribers of mobile operators that will expand much the range of access to state e-services and the use of digital signature," the source emphasized.

Read more: Azerbaijani Communications Ministry prepares to create a single mobile government system

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