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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On Thursday the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan signed a grant agreement worth $3.7 million with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea on the creation of training centres under the e-government project in Azerbaijan.

The project includes the creation of 15 training centres in the regions. These will be established in Ganja, Nakhchivan, Sumgait, Mingachevir, Barda, Lankaran, Gazakh, Zagatala, Imishli, Gabala, Goychay, Shirvan, Shamakhi, Guba and Sheki.

Read more: Azerbaijan’s Communication Ministry signs grant agreement in E-government project

Today, $3.7 mln-grant agreement was signed between Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Azerbaijani Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies on “establishment of training center for e-government in Azerbaijan” in Baku.

According to APA-Economics, within the project, the training centers will be established in 15 regions including Baku, Ganja, Nakhchivan, Sumgayit, Mingechevir, Barda, Lankaran, Gazakh, Imishli, Gabala, Goychay, Shirvan, Shamakhi, Guba, Shaki.

Read more: AZ: South Korea and Azerbaijan signs grant agreement on ICT sphere

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies is finalizing the development of the draft State Program for development of e-government and expansion of e-services at the state bodies for 2013-2015.

"The document will be submitted for consideration at the Presidential administration of Azerbaijan by the end of this year", sources from the ministry said.

Read more: AZ: ICT Ministry working out program for e-government development for 2013-2015

Azerbaijan's Communications and Information Technologies Ministry is developing a draft state program on the development of e-government for 2013-2015. The draft program will be presumably submitted to the Presidential Administration by the end of April, the ministry said.

The new program is continuation of the state program on developing the ICT sector in Azerbaijan in 2010-2012.

The program is aimed to create the e-government, develop the methods of management by means of implementing modern information and communication technologies in state bodies, providing e-services, as well as taking comprehensive measures to provide simplified and free access of citizens and organizations to such services.

Read more: Azerbaijan developing new e-government program

A meeting has been held with the delegation led by head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research and Federal Councilor of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Ammann at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies.

APA-Economics reports quoting the Ministry that the meeting was also attended by the representatives of various Swiss companies. Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Elmir Velizadeh underlined the role ICT sector as other spheres in successful development of friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Switzerland.

Read more: Azerbaijan interested in ICT experience of Switzerland

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