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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Azerbaijani state agencies have posted 43% of approved public e-services on E-Government portal.

According to statistics provided by the portal, out of 417 approved state services the portal offers 179 services, and 109 services (26.1%) of them actively.

Read more: 43% of approved public e-services of Azerbaijan posted in E-Government portal

The Ministry of Health plans to provide 38 e-services.

The MoH reports that in 2012 it carried out large-scale work in the health to digitize the domestic public healthcare sector.

E-card of health of citizens started work within E-Azerbaijan Program. Currently, the Ministry is applying e-programs on 10 registers of various diseases, a single register of staff, e-system of surveillance of infectious diseases, turnover of medicines, dispatch system of ambulance services.

Read more: Azerbaijan Health Ministry intends to launch 38 e-services

Azerbaijani Minister of Communication and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov has met with Mikael Eriksson.

According to Ministry, stressing the reforms in ICT sector, national and regional projects implemented, the ambassador noted that Sweden sees Azerbaijan as strategic ICT partner in Caucasus. According to Eriksson, Swedish leading companies are interested in investing in Azerbaijan and State Fund for IT Development, as well as techno park, to be established, will allow realization of these projects.

Read more: AZ: Ambassador: “Sweden sees Azerbaijan as strategic ICT partner in Caucasus”

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan added e-applications for various licensures into its "e-government" portal (, a report published by the portal said on Wednesday.

Currently, the ministry offers 25 e-services.

Also, services provided by the State Committee for Family, Women and Child Affairs are also integrated in the portal. Currently, an online application for international adoption is also available.

Read more: AZ: E-service application for licensure in the ICT field integrated into “e-government” portal

The Copyright Agency is conducting work on e-services.

The Ministry of Communications & IT reports that website contains separate section E-Services, in which control panel responsible for the information base was created.

The administrative regulation of e-services has been developed, the rules for registration of copyright, instructions, e-application forms prepared and conditions for free use of e-services created.

Read more: AZ: Copyright Agency to provide new e-services

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