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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Some 30 state agencies have been connected to Electronic government portal, Azerbaijani Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Elmir Velizade told reporters on Monday.

"The official presentation of the portal is expected in autumn," Velizade said.

He said the total number of electronic services centered on the portal and provided to government agencies is 124 units.

Read more: Deputy Minister: Presentation of e-government portal to be held in Azerbaijan in autumn

The Ministry of Economic Development of Azerbaijan has presented its e-services.

During the presentation, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Niyazi Safarov said that over the last 8 years against the backdrop of the phenomenal pace of development the country registered an intense integration of information services to all sectors of the economy.

Read more: Single state program management system under creation in Azerbaijan

The Ministry of Culture & Tourism of Azerbaijan will acquire more than 20 electronic digital signatures (EDS).

The Ministry of Communications & IT informs that to date the MCTA has built and put into operation a new server room to be used for storage of servers, provision of e-services, and protection of inside information in order to integrate into state info system E-Government.

The Culture & Tourism Ministry has also created the site of e-services operating at, where people can enjoy 12 e-services provided by this Ministry.

Read more: AZ: Culture & Tourism Ministry to integrate in E-Government portal by September

The State Social Protection Fund of Azerbaijan has summed up the next results of the interactive poll of the public conducted at its official website.

According to the Fund, the poll showed that 57.27% of the visitors use the website (, for e-services, and 42.73% do not do that.

Read more: Only every second potential client uses e-services of Azerbaijan’s Pension Fund

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the establishment of the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovations under the Azerbaijani President on July 13.

The State Agency will be established to increase transparency in the activity of state bodies, render better services to citizens by using new methods and modern innovations, adhere to ethical rules and courteous treatment towards citizens, improve rendered services and accelerate the transition to electronic services.

Read more: State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovations under President established in Azerbaijan

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