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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
60 e-services out of 417 presented at official websites of governmental agencies of the country have been activated at E-Government portal of Azerbaijan.

Isbyandiyar Aliyev, head of the Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Communications & IT of Azerbaijan, says that some of these services are not integrated into E-Government portal.

Read more: Azerbaijan has activated 160 e-government services

Azerbaijan’s E-Government needs strengthening of information security.

According to local experts, the use of various electronic systems by separate state institutions poses some problems in the process of electronic document flow.

Read more: Azerbaijan prepares to introduce most advanced data security system of e-services

Azerbaijani non-governmental organizations (NGOs) believe that improvement of the quality and range of e-services will enable to increase the loyalty of country’s citizens to the presidential election of 2013.

RATI chairman Emin Huseynov has stated that empowerment of citizens’ access to e-government services, increasing transparency and quality of public services will reduce discontent of citizens with work of separate governmental agencies and increase trust to the government.

Read more: NGOs: e-government services to increase population’s loyalty to presidential election in Azerbaijan

E-government system in Azerbaijan needs to improve the security of its member portals.

RATI chairman Emin Huseynov says that in order to prove this it is enough to try to pass online-registration on the portal for the digital signature.

"Warnings in systems Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, which notify users that the security protocol of portals, and other public websites is not “not trusted" say the same as well, that suggests that these systems use invalid security certificates. It puts in jeopardy the persons performing any operations through any of these resources,” he said.

Read more: Civil society demands to increase security of e-government and state web-resources of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani NGOs suggest organizing in the country a specific market of free access to Internet services.

E-government expert Alasgar Mammadli says that today Internet service cost is 12-13% of citizen’s average monthly wage.

"This indicator in Russia is, for example, only 1-2%. In other developed countries, there is a segment of free access to the Internet on the market of Internet services, which accounts for 1-2% of the total market.

Read more: Free Internet access demanded from Azerbaijani government

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