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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Representatives from major companies of France, Belgium, Morocco and India are interested in the Azerbaijani experience in the use of mobile electronic signatures, head of Estonia-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and Best Solutions company president, Yana Krimpe, said on May 17.

Best Solutions, a fast-growing IT services company and solutions provider active in the field of information and communication technologies in Azerbaijan, has been chosen as an entity to work on the technical building of the mobile e-signature platform.

According to Krimpe, representatives of the postal service sector and state IT centers of the mentioned countries will visit Azerbaijan in September-October to familiarize themselves with the Azerbaijani model of the mobile e-signature.

Read more: Azerbaijan's mobile e-signature experience to be studied abroad

The 5th international conference on “E-government: Innovations in Customs” has kicked off in Gabala organized by the State Customs Committee.

Opening the event, Aydin Aliyev, Chairman of the State Customs Committee, stressed the importance of applying information technologies in customs agencies. “This is one of the major factors playing a profound role in forming E-government.”

Read more: AZ: Gabala hosts 'E-government: Innovations in Customs' conference

Azerbaijan is launching the transition from the electronic to a mobile government and has set up a new center to accomplish this goal.

"In order to prevent current and future challenges in the implementation of e-services, a center for electronic signature certification closely integrated with the automated tax information system has been established under the Ministry of Taxes," Minister of Taxes Fazil Mammadov said on Thursday at a conference titled "ASAN-signature as a key to mobile government".

Read more: Azerbaijan shifting from electronic to mobile government

Gabala hosted the fifth anniversary International Scientific Conference on "E-government: innovations in customs" on Monday. Some 102 representatives from 55 countries attended it.

The conference was held to discuss the global practice in developing and using the e-government, modern forms of cooperation between public organizations in the field of e-governance, using the information and communication technologies in the field of customs and other areas of the economy, as well as examining the current situation on innovative methods of governance and exchanging the experience in this area.

Read more: Azerbaijan hosts int'l conference on e-government in customs sector

The State Agency for Citizen Service & Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan has issued a statement in connection with the beginning of the transition from electronic to mobile government (m-government).

Agency’s chairman Inam Karimov says that the new mobile service (a possibility of using the services of ASAN-centers via mobile devices) means "My government is always with me!".

Read more: Azerbaijan declares officially start of transition to m-government

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