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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan is the first which started the transition to system of mobile government (m-government), and reported of that at today’s conference “ASAN signature - key of mobile government".

Taxes Minister Fazil Mammadov has claimed that for the transition from e-government to the principle of Mobile Government the Ministry created a center for certification of mobile e-signature.

"Creation of such a center means transfer from system of e-government to mobile government. The start of application of e-signature means an increase in the quality of services provided to taxpayers. Due to the fact that the system of mobile government and mobile signature was created in accordance with European standards, local companies will be able to enter into contracts on cooperation with foreign partners through electronic signature," the minister stated.

He added that the beginning of the use of mobile services by the Ministry of Taxes means not only support to the development of mobile government, but also the mobile banking and promotion of non-cash payments.

In addition to the Taxes Ministry, the conference involved the Ministry of Communications & IT, and the State Agency for Citizen Service & Social Innovations under which ASAN-service centers operate and provide easy public access to government services. In the prospect, ASAN-centers will be available for corporate customers as well.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 02.05.2013

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