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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan will deal with the regulation of disputes among communication operators regarding the issue of the inter-operator communications, according to the ministry's provision approved by the head of state on June 19.

In accordance with the provision, curbing monopolistic activities of businesses entities and the elimination of unfair competition in the market are included to the authority of the ministry. The work in this area will be conducted together with the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Azerbaijan. However, the main task is to ensure healthy competition in the market and consumer protection.

Read more: Key aspects of ICT sector regulation defined in Azerbaijan

Electronification of the state services (computerization and integration into “e-government portal”) has been implemented by 72%.

According to Ali Abbasov, Azerbaijan’s Minister of Communications and High Technologies, today 300 services of 417 approved by the Cabinet of Ministers are available at the portal.

Read more: AZ: State services electronification implemented by 72%

Azerbaijani citizens will now be able to register imported phones not only on paper, but also in electronic form.

The changes to "Rules on mobile devices registration", ratified by Azerbaijan's Cabinet of Minister, was officially announced on April 14.

Under these changes registration of imported mobile devices with GSM standard will be available through the "E-government" portal now.

Read more: Azerbaijan simplifies registration of imported mobile phones

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Communications and High Technologies intends to attract a consultant to prepare a package of proposals, Azerbaijani Minister of Communications and High Technologies Ali Abbasov said at the board meeting on April 17 dedicated to the results of the first quarter.

This consultant will ensure the achievement of the objectives as part of the new state program for the development of the information society.

Read more: Azerbaijan to attract consultant to assess prospects for ICT development

"National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020" will be implemented in two stages, Communications and High Technology Ministry reported on April 4.

"The first phase will cover 2014-2017 and the second one will be implemented in 2018-2020. Each stage will be accompanied by public programs," the report added.

The national strategy was approved by President Ilham Aliyev on April 2.

Read more: AZ: Information Society Strategy to be implemented in two stages

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