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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The State Property Committee in Azerbaijan begins to provide e-services to the population, the committee said on Tuesday.

In the first quarter, the committee completed work on the introduction of software and hardware systems.

The committee's official website has an e-services section, which in the next few days will be fully functional.

Read more: Azerbaijan launches real estate e-registration

Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan is working on the integration of electronic services provided on e-government portal, the chief consultant of the Information Society development department of the ministry, Etibar Umudov, said.

Launch of the portal will reduce the number of documents requested from citizens due to the fact that different bodies will interact with each other electronically.

He said the state structures use different platforms, and to ensure that they are integrated with each other it's necessary to carry out technical work, install servers, etc.

Read more: E-government portal in Azerbaijan to be launched in near future

The Azerbaijan Marketing Association has presented on Friday the results of research into IT in Azerbaijan. The results were presented on Friday by Rahim Huseynov, the chairman of the association.

The association conducted a study of reforms implemented in recent years.

Studies have shown that in 2011, 56 percent of Azerbaijan's population has at least one personal computer. On average, there are 22 computers for every 100 people.

Read more: Internet Penetration Rate in Azerbaijan Double World Average

The population's need in electronic digital signature will increase significantly when the state institutions will provide services on the "E-government" portal, where it can be used, the Ministry's Information Society Development Department Chief Consultant Etibar Umudov told Trend on Friday.

The "E-government" portal will be a key tool for supporting work with citizens and enterprises of state and private sectors.

Launch of the portal will reduce the number of documents requested from citizens due to the fact that different authorities will interact with each other in electronic form.

Read more: Demand for e-signatures to significantly increase in Azerbaijan

Communication and Information Technologies Ministry of Azerbaijan considers lack of a large number of state electronic services establishments to be the reason for little demand for electronic-digital signature (EDS).

Consultant of the Ministry’s Information Society Development Department Etibar Umudov has reported that demand for e-signature will rise after launch of e-government portal , when it becomes main tool for use of electronic services for authentication.

Read more: AZ: Communication Ministry points out at population’s disinterest for reception of electr. signature

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