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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Azerbaijani Ministry of Health intends to purchase for ambulances the devices enabling to read information of e-health cards of citizens.

According to the Ministry of Communications & IT, the devices will be ordered this year. By the end of 2012 provided for the purchase of these devices, the development of appropriate software and equipment of ambulance in Baku. Due to these cards the ambulance doctors will be able to read on-site electronic patient health cards and quickly draw conclusions and take actions.

Through these devices connected to computers of ambulances it is possible to read not only cards but also include new information in them about changes in health condition of patients.

The main purpose of the introduction of these devices is to create conditions for obtaining information from a database in places not covered by the Internet.

With the health chip card the doctor can read information during emergencies, when patients will not be able to give information about their disease that will allow doctors to diagnose a patient’s illness and accelerate the process of examination and treatment.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 02.04.2012

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