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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Sri Lanka cleared the way for safer e-commerce this week by passing a new law that strengthened the legal validity of electronic transactions.

"It will provide a firm foundation for e-commerce transactions and give formal recognition to e-mail communications," says Jayantha Fernando, legal advisor of the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka.

"It also gives recognition to electronic signatures, and provides a structure to be established for rules to be laid down in the future."

Read more: Safe e-road: Sri Lanka backs electronic transactions with legal muscle

Affno, hSenid, e-wis consortium was awarded the tender to automate the Ministry of Public Administration & Home Affairs. Affno, Sri Lanka's leading web based software engineering company provides the Workflow and Document Management Component in addition to having overall responsibility.

hSenid renowned for their HRM Solution provides the Human Resource Management component. E-wis a leading systems integrator provides the Hardware and Network.

Read more: Sri Lanka: Affno, hSenid, e-wis consortium wins e-government tender

The emergence of e-Governance to the State mechanism would undoubtedly be a fountain of hope to our island nation. Many developed countries in the world today such as the US, Canada, Singapore, Korea and even India in the states of Andra Pradesh and Karnataka, have adopted "e-Government" work strategies to make citizen services more efficient and effective. The heart of e-Government is the government's offer of an efficient citizen service through the use of ICT.

Moreover, Re-engineering Government will strive to ensure that government services are delivered efficiently at the right time, to the right place, and to the citizens' very doorstep, be it the home or the freely accessible community information centres (VGKs). It will provide citizen services in the most efficient and productive manner, by re-engineering and empowering business processes of the government.

Read more: Sri Lanka: The vast potential of e-Government

Under the e-Sri Lanka Programme, the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) is embarking on a comprehensive ICT human resources capacity building programme for the Sri Lankan government.

The objective of the capacity building programme will be to equip the public sector with the skills and competencies needed to manage and administer forthcoming e-government projects, including IT infrastructure (Lanka Government Network, or LGN) and services such as e-Foreign Employment, e-Pensions and e-Divisional Secretariat.

Read more: Sri Lanka: ICTA announces ICT human resources capacity building programme

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse initiated another key milestone in the e-Sri Lanka roadmap on Thursday by inaugurating the e-Government Centre of Excellence for Sri Lanka, the first of its kind in the country.

The Centre located at the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA) showcases the true spirit of public private partnerships collating the synergies of the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA), SLIDA, Oracle Corporation Singapore, PC House and Millennium Information Technologies on behalf of SUN Microsystems and Cisco. The Centre will have a dedicated manager and team, with demonstration and development of e-governance solutions and proof-of-concepts carried out by technical experts of the partners.

Read more: Sri Lanka: Prime Minister inaugurates COE

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