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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Sri Lankan nationals seeking jobs in Oman will now have to undergo electronic fingerprinting and biometric scanning prior to their departure. The move aims at cracking down on rampant fraud and other irregularities in the recruitment process, a senior official of the Sri Lankan Embassy, Muscat, said.

The new system will help prevent fraudulent practices such as using forged passports. “Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau (SLFEB) is using special software to store fingerprint data of the migrant workers going abroad for employment,” M.M. Deshapriya, the Counsellor of Labour at Sri Lankan Embassy in Muscat, told Times of Oman.

Read more: LK: Biometric scanning, prior to departure for jobs in Oman

The Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka will be introducing a voice portal this year as part of its efforts to increase citizen’s access to government services through the use of mobile phones.

“As the majority of people throughout the country use mobile phones, it would be an advantage and convenient to acquire the mobile service,” ICTA Chief Executive Officer, Reshan Dewapura said in an official statement.

Read more: Sri Lanka to introduce e-Government voice portal

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Seoul celebrated the launch of the e-People service in Sinhala recently. The Korean Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) offers an online web service named e-People, Korea's major online communication channel between the government and the people, which gathers civil complaints, petitions and suggestions for the Korean government.

With the addition of an online petition and discussion portal in Sinhala, the ACRC hopes to help Sri Lankans residing in Korea to submit complaints and comments to the government in their native language.

Read more: LK: South Korean Govt launches Sinhala e-services

Bypassing tender procedures

Samsung Network Inc, the Korean IT company involved in the e-Sri Lanka government network project, is likely to secure another multi-million dollar IT-related contract on producing electronic National Identity Cards (e-NICs) or biometric IDs for all citizens in the island, informed sources said.

The Sri Lankan government has given the green light to issue electronic National Identity Cards (e-NICs) for all citizens as a sequel to a proposal submitted by the President as Minister of Defence.

Read more: LK: Samsung Network to get multimillion dollar e-NIC project

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Seoul launched the e-People service in Sinhala to help Sri Lankans residing in Korea to submit complaints and comments to the government in their native language.

Statement issued by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Seoul said that this will be a significant way forward to minimize barriers to communication between the government and citizens, especially for the 23,000 Sri Lankans living in Korea who may feel language as an issue that prevents them from articulating their opinions and concerns.

Read more: Lankan Embassy in Korea Launches Sinhala e-services

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