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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Sri Lanka won two prestigious awards at the FutureGov Summit 2012 awards ceremony held at the Shangri La hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand, last week.

The two awards bagged by Sri Lanka come respectively under the ‘eGovernment’ category and the ‘Public Sector Organisation of the Year’ category.

The ‘eGovernment’ award was for the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA), or Visa Online of the Sri Lankan Department of Immigration and Emigration. The ICT Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) played a major role in this award-winning project – ‘Visa Online’.

Read more: Sri Lanka wins awards at the FutureGov Summit 2012 in Thailand

The Department of the Registrar of Companies in Sri Lanka is modernising its document management system in a bid to increase efficiency in business registration and to improve the quality of data being shared across government agencies and the general public.

The document management system will be made available online. In addition, a dedicated call centre will also be established to answer queries and feedbacks from the Department’s stakeholders.

According to an official statement, the Department will be using a new Oracle-powered online system to upgrade the department’s automation system with an estimated cost of Rs 140 million (USD 1 million) and is now in its final stages of development.

Read more: Sri Lanka to modernise information sharing and business registration

“Every ICT enabled effort in the Government’s national eDevelopment plan is a step forward towards national reconciliation,” said Information Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) CEO, Reshan Dewapura recently.

He was speaking at the National Conference on the Role of ICT in Reconciliation at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKIIRSS) in Colombo. Dewapura said, “We are now able to reach all parts of the country. We can use ICT to accelerate this process and take the true benefit of development to them.”

Read more: LK: eDevelopment plan geared for national reconciliation - ICTA CEO

The more Information Technology is available for the people, especially for the rural masses, the more options there are to assist them in their efforts in economic development, said Director International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regional office for Asia Pacific Dr. Eun-Ju Kim.

In an interview with the Sunday Observer, Kim stressed on areas where telecommunication can be used, in mitigating disaster risks, economic empowerment of the rural community and in creating new job opportunities for the country.

Read more: LK: Telecommunication will boost country’s development strategies

The Survey Department of Sri Lanka and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) signed an agreement for digital data dissemination, the first of its kind between the Government and the UN, which will allow organisations to freely use Government geographic data for disaster management purposes.

The initiative stemmed from the need to address challenges posed by the lack of access to essential information needed to make well-informed decisions during critical situations.

Read more: Sri Lanka, UN to improve disaster management through Open Data

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