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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Sri Lanka is now on its way towards digital transformation via organisational overhauling driven by technology to enter onto the global stage, Technology Minister Kanaka Herath said.

The Government has already allocated Rs. 3 billion or 1.4 per cent of total expenditures to digital and digitalisation efforts in 2024, with the aim of growing into a US$15 billion digital economy by 2030, he disclosed.

Read more: LK: Digital transformation game changer for development

  • Five year project aims conversion of half a million three-wheelers from petrol to electrically operated modes of transport to promote low carbon e-mobility solution

The first set of a planned 500,000 converted eTuk-Tuks was put to the road by the Government in partnership with the United National Development Program (UNDP) as part a drive to promote low carbon emobility solution.

Read more: LK: Govt., UNDP put to road first set of 500,000 converted eTuk-Tuks

The Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) together with the Ministry of Technology, Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRCSL), telecommunications partners and industry partners recently launched a two-day national forum to create awareness about the national digital transformation agenda, which also engages regional partners.

The Southern Region Roadshow was the second of the five regional cluster development programmes commenced by ICTA. The first Regional Development Roadshow was organised in June focusing on the Northern Region. There will be three more Roadshows in the Western, Eastern, and Central Regions scheduled to unfold in the next few months, ICTA said in a media release.

Read more: National initiative to nurture digital technology awareness in Southern region

In today’s fast-paced world, adopting new technologies is vital for a nation’s progress. While Sri Lanka has made progress in various sectors, it is crucial to recognize the untapped potential of embracing innovative technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities. By understanding the benefits of these advancements and taking proactive steps, Sri Lanka can unlock opportunities, transform key sectors, and improve citizens’ lives. This article explores the potential of embracing new technologies, showcases success stories from other countries, and emphasizes the need for Sri Lanka to prioritize technology-driven initiatives.

IoT is the network of interconnected devices, objects, and systems that communicate and share information through the internet. These devices, equipped with sensors and connectivity, collect and exchange data, enabling them to make intelligent decisions and perform tasks autonomously. This technology allows us to connect everyday objects, such as appliances, vehicles, and infrastructure, to enhance efficiency, convenience, and safety.

Read more: LK: Technology-driven initiatives to improve efficiency and economy

Although online learning is not a brand new concept to the world and also to Sri Lanka, the ‘new normal’ model of living became a household term with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Around the world, governments and other educational institutions started looking towards online education platforms to provide continuous education to students from kindergarten to the university and above. The new normal has now transformed into a concept of education in Sri Lanka and throughout the world. As of today, digital learning has materialised as an indispensable source for students.

Although many online programs were conducted by educational institutions, both Government and private, before Covid-19 came, for higher education students, those in schools from grade one to GCE A/L, online learning was an entirely new experience. As enthusiastic as they should be, almost the whole student population quickly adopted to the online learning process in a relatively short time.

Read more: LK: Online learning concept to continue beyond pandemic

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