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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dompe hospital kicked off the second phase of its eHospital project with the recent launch of its Online Appointment System as part of the local administration’s efforts to improve patient-care and experience in the village hospital.

Bandula Ranathuga, project manager at the Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Councils told FutureGov that patients can simply call Hotline 0711-370370 and follow operator instructions to get an appointment. The patient will then receive an SMS from the hospital detailing the time he could visit the physician or doctor concerned.

Read more: Sri Lankan hospital shares e-Health success story

Sri Lanka is the latest country to bring biometrics into its passport system.

Reported in ColomboPage, the Sri Lankan government has just received cabinet approval to implement fingerprint data to the country’s passports.

This project is expected to cost US $5.11 million (Rs.679.7 million). Nearly all of this capital will come in the form of a grant from the Australian government, through the International Organization for Migration. According to the ColomboPage report, the International Organization for Migration, along with the Department of Immigration and Emigration will be responsible for project management and procurement.

Read more: Sri Lanka set to introduce biometric passports

Hundreds of Sri Lankan expatriates who were asked to appear at the deportation center in Jeddah for biometric recording yesterday, had to return without their fingerprints recorded apparently due to backlog piled up since last week, Arab News reported.

Monday was the day scheduled for expatriates from Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Sudan to record their biometrics, and consequently, hundreds including women descended in the morning on the deportation center.

Read more: Lankans fail to record fingerprints

The Sri Lankan government has received cabinet approval to introduce fingerprint data to the passports to enhance the security features.

This project proposed by the President as the Minister of Defence and Urban Development aims to enhance the security features of passports by streamlining the Automated Fingerprint Identification System.

Read more: Sri Lanka to introduce biometric data to passports

Providing e-services to small tea estate owners who contribute immensely to bring foreign exchange to the country, is another among the other facilities that will be provided as promised by the government, Plantation Industries Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe said on Thursday.

He said small tea estate owners will be provided training on using e-services.

Read more: LK: E-services to small tea estate owners

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