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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dompe hospital kicked off the second phase of its eHospital project with the recent launch of its Online Appointment System as part of the local administration’s efforts to improve patient-care and experience in the village hospital.

Bandula Ranathuga, project manager at the Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Councils told FutureGov that patients can simply call Hotline 0711-370370 and follow operator instructions to get an appointment. The patient will then receive an SMS from the hospital detailing the time he could visit the physician or doctor concerned.

Prior to the implementation of the online appointment system, he shares patients had to queue for more than two hours in the hospital just to book an appointment .

“Now that we have this system, not only are we able to save time and effort, but we’re also able to improve patient and customer satisfaction in the hospital,” says Bandula.

The project comes after a successful implementation of the Hospital Health Information Management System (HHIMS), which was made possible through the support of the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka. Since its launch last year, it has been touted as the one of the most successful and heavily used of all HHIMS in the country.

“With the implementation of the HHIMS, doctors and the hospital staff can now move away from the traditional and paper-based way of managing patient information and drug inventory,” says Bandula.

Furthermore, the system will enable doctors to make accurate and well-informed decisions based on the available and quickly accessible past health information of a particular patient.

“The success of Dompa hospital is a wonderful benchmark model for e-health service delivery in Sri Lanka. Not only did the the hospital improve its key business processes, the implementation of ICT systems also set forth a shift in the mindset from being organisation-centric to one that is patient and citizen-centric,” Bandula concludes.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Clarice Africa

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 25.11.2013

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