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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Under the e-Sri Lanka Programme, the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) is embarking on a comprehensive ICT human resources capacity building programme for the Sri Lankan government.

The objective of the capacity building programme will be to equip the public sector with the skills and competencies needed to manage and administer forthcoming e-government projects, including IT infrastructure (Lanka Government Network, or LGN) and services such as e-Foreign Employment, e-Pensions and e-Divisional Secretariat.

At present IT literacy levels and PC penetration within the government is extremely low. Under the e-Sri Lanka programme, by the year 2007, 350 government departments, district and divisional secretariats will be equipped with IT infrastructure and connectivity in parallel with citizen and government services using ICT.

To structure the capacity building programme, ICTA has developed an ‘ICT Skills Framework’, identifying the specific skills needed at different staff levels and categories, namely, senior managers, CIOs, project managers, IT managers and general staff.

The framework was developed after several months of consultation with experts from the public and private sectors and from key partners such as the World Bank. The framework is made up of individual course modules which will allow ICTA the flexibility to mix and match modules according to the specific competencies required by staff.

Quelle: Colombo Page,, 10.11.2005

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