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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As part of efforts to execute the e-governance project, the Plateau State government has commenced the training of 36 officials that would eventually man the respective internet connectivity mini-hub stations in the 17 local government headquarters that are linked to the central hub station situated at the Ministry for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, in Jos, the state capital.

The skill transfer raining programme has the objective of building high-end human capacity to support the Turnkey Mini/Remote Hub station installations for corporate data, voice telephony and internet access.

Read more: Nigeria: Plateau Trains 36 for E-Governance Project

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Nigeria's technology watchdog, has finalized work on the country's ICT for development (ICT4D) plan following the final technical meeting by experts working on the document last week at NITDA's headquarters in Abuja.

The national ICT4D plan is targeted at using ICT to achieve the government's Seven Point Agenda and "Vision 20: 2020," thereby deploying ICT to achieve Nigeria's Millennial Development Goals, NEPAD development initiatives and the World Summit on Information Society's plan of action. It contains actionable programs for short-, medium- and long-term implementation by identified stakeholders (in conjunction with local and/or international private organizations).

Read more: Nigeria: NITDA finalizes work on ICT4D plan to drive Vision 2020

The Executive Vice Chairman, National eGovernment Strategies (NeGSt), Dr Olu Agunloye, said, yester-day, the Vision 2020 could be realised if electricity generation increased to 50,000 MW by 2015.

Agunloye said at the opening of a workshop on the Nigerian eGovernment Interoperability framework in Abuja, that such level of electricity would boost production and the economy.

Other indices that must be in place for the attainment of the vision, according to him, include self sustainability in agriculture and wealth creation.

Read more: Nigeria: How to attain Vision 2020 - Agunloye

Oyo State Government has set aside over N168 million for the immediate commencement of a massive information technology project.

The project, when completed, would complement government’s efforts towards laying a solid foundation for E-governance in the State.

Read more: Nigeria: Oyo earmarks N168m for information technology project

The Computerized Nigeria e-Knowledge Project has created a stir and a rush for Zinox Computers in the South East. The people of the South-East have bought into the vision of the e-knowledge project which offers, in the first instance, the highly emotive benefit of equipping the South-East to regain its pre-eminence in the country.

In recognition of the prevalence of first time users, the offer includes free computer training for every laptop purchased. Different segments of the population are jostling for computer training in designated centers. The old, the young, the literate and the semi literate, the civil servants and the businessmen, everyone is learning to use the new tool for work and play – courtesy of the e–Knowledge Project.

Read more: Nigeria: South East take advantage of e–knowledge project

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